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Make a wildlife spiral.

I found this idea in a magazine, it looks very simple to make and I think it will make an interesting feature.

You will need


  • About 10 straight logs (ideally) of fresh cut wood, graduating from about 1m down to 45cm.
  • Spade and fork
  • Electric drill and a range of drill bits
  • Dead leaves or leafmould


Lay the logs in a line and mark them using a cane and chalk, (I cut enough wood for two spirals).


Dig a pit that’s deep enough to hold at least half of your longest length (I hit very stony sub soil so mine was only a third of my longest length).


Start with the longest length in the centre of the pit and work your way outwards in decreasing heights.

When all the logs are in the pit, refill the pit firming the soil as you go.

Fill all the gaps with dead leaves.

Drill deep holes of various sizes in the outside logs.

I planted a few plants and added some mossy stones.

My logs weren’t freshly cut and they were closer to large sticks than logs, but something is better than nothing. 


 Also see wildlife stacks and insect homes!

Build it and they will come.