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Window-Stricken Greenfinch (with a happy ending, and photos!)

This morning, at precicesly 8:55am, whilst laying in bed feeling blue, I heard the unmistaken thud of a bird hitting a window downstairs. In what seemed like no longer than 5 seconds I had flown out of bed, dashed downstairs, stuffed my feet into my wellies and rushed outside (still in my pyjamas!). There on the ground underneath the sitting room window was a beautiful male (I think - quite dull but had very bright green feathers coming through on its belly, which made me think it was a young male) greenfinch, stunned and fluttering around on his back in a bit of a state. So I duly picked him, took him inside to the sitting room (wamrest and quietest), sat on the floor and held him close to me, as he twittered softly to himself. We sat for about 10 minutes while he slowly recovered - at first things didn't look too promising as his head began to droop, but he was still breathing, so I persevered. Eventually he bagan to wriggle, so I gently took one hand away and he grabbed onto the other one with his tiny little feet, stretched one wing, and lifted his head up and looked me right in the eye. So I took him back outside and placed him on the bird table, where he sat for a further 10 minutes to get his bearings. He was very confiding of me and let me stay quite close to him whilst doing so, so I grabbed a few pictures of my little friend, before he flew away, off to enjoy the rest of his happy life :)




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  • Lol AnnaBanana! So funny what  makes us leap out of bed like it!! (I would have done the same!!)

    Lovely story and stunning photos! Glad that he was ok! He looks a beautiful bird with lovely feathers in great condition!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Rockwolf said:

    Lol AnnaBanana! So funny what  makes us leap out of bed like it!! (I would have done the same!!)

    Lovely story and stunning photos! Glad that he was ok! He looks a beautiful bird with lovely feathers in great condition!

    Hehehe!! In a way I was grateful for it, I don't think I would have bothered getting out of bed today otherwise!! He is beautiful isn't he. When he was still flapping around on his back outside I was almost taken aback by how bright yellow the feathers under his wings were - I've never seen a greenfinch from this perspective and it was quite stunning, I thought it might have been a canary at first, although this was probably mostly due to the fact that I was still half asleep!! I'm so glad he was ok, the last greenfinch to hit the window (always seems to be greenfinches save for the odd exception) was a young one and it broke it's neck and died :(

  • Brilliant photo's and a nice story with good out come. Thanks for sharing (I would have jumped up too!) 


    For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.

  • Lovely story Annabanana and I'm glad he was OK.  It was a good opportunity to grab some great close-ups too.  I think we are all slightly mad, the things we do for birds!  Like keeping your camera in the pocket of your PJs for example!  Just teasing Anna, glad you had it handy. 

    There is something new to learn everyday...

  • Thanks everybody! T'is true I would do anything to help a bird in need, as I would for any other wild animal. Felt very selfish for being so nosey and taking pictures of it after it's trauma though, but I could't not do it.......

  • Beautiful story and lovely photos. I think, rescue-wise, we have all done the same or similar in such circumstances, regardless of apparel at the time! And I certainly don't think he will have minded you taking his photo in the slightest. You have probably made a friend for life.

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Squirrel B said:

    Beautiful story and lovely photos. I think, rescue-wise, we have all done the same or similar in such circumstances, regardless of apparel at the time! And I certainly don't think he will have minded you taking his photo in the slightest. You have probably made a friend for life.


    Aaww! A friend for life! That's made my day :)

  • Hi Anna

    Lovely story, so glad it's a happy ending for the little fella, he's lovely.  Would have done the same too - gotta help if you can.  Wonderful photos too.

  • Cute story AnnaB! And lovely photos to go with it - what a charmer he is!

    Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]

  • What a brilliant story AnnaBanana, and great news that it had a happy ending.  The pictures are excellent by the way.



    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

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