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Problem House Mice


Hi there

We are having trouble with house mice at the moment - cute and cuddly as they are.

Mr Mouse is on the move again from a month ago. OH and I have seem Mr Mouse appearing all over our house in the last 2 days. You can see him moving at the corner of your eye - little devil. He is getting everywhere at the moment!

I was sitting at the PC tonight, and I could hear some rustling going on in my cupboards in the kitchen. We do not have biscuits or anything like crisps around, but the rustling sounded like a crisp bag. I called OH through and the little monkey disappeared all together.

So I went back and sat at the PC once more and there is more of the same rustling. So I stayed at the PC, and called OH through and he looked in the cupboard, and caught the mouse eating a bag of pasta in the cupboard - brazen little grrrr !

There is fresh mouse poo in our cupboard, and I will not tolerate that at all.

So now it is a war of mice and men. Mr mouse will have to go now.

Should I do it the humane way, or another way?

Thoughts please {hmmm ..}


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 03/10/2009 01:31 in reply to Anonymous

    Hi there

    The good news that Dave came home with 4 Humane Mouse Traps.  They are Called the amply named  "The big Cheese Live Catch Mouse Traps"  So this is going to be interesting in the next few days.

    They look good for catching mice, and they are poison free - got lots of Peanut butter and some chocolate too (and chocolate raisens).  So no more catching Shrews I hope {smile}

    So now we will get them set asap and see if we catch our furry friends.

    I will keep you posted.


    Kathy and Dave

    Nicki C said:

    MarJus: Brillant story - got me in a fit of giggles - the thought of a mouse up anyone's trouser leg would give anyone reasomn to let out a high pitched shreak!! {eek}

    Brenda: Yes, my little mouse is still here - funnily enough i have not seen him as much over the last day or so.

    Last night, a plastic bag with some books in it -  started to rustle on the floor by itself.  I think he is in hiding now and has gone a little shy with me  at the moment {must have heard me talking about him} in a whisper.

    Wonder if he knows I am after him {watchful eye}

    OH is coming home armed and extremely dangerous with his mouse gear on!!


    Kathy and Dave


    Lovely ! - did you feature in the local paper that week by any chance... ☺

    Squirrel - It had to be a Sunday paper Exclusive !

    Meanwhile, we presume Blackbird is still co- habitating with her mouse waiting for Hubby to come home!!!









  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 03/10/2009 02:51 in reply to Anonymous

    Hi there

    Traps have been set in the cupboard in the Pasta cupboard etc.... so Mr Mouse you are in for a trip soon!

    There is a little bait in them already {thumbs up}

    We will wait until it has been eaten, and then we will add our own. {smile}


    Kathy and Dave


  • Kathy, hope it all works tonight for you. Just  don't get sentimental when you do catch it and then say how lovely he/she is with lovely eyes. You know how I feel about having them in the house but when any creature looks at me --------- ! Just don't look at it. 

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 03/10/2009 04:38 in reply to Brenda H

    Hi Brenda

    Thank you for your help.

    i will try not to get sentimental if I can {wink}

    Hey - you would not believe it - we have caught the little mite {smile} - the humane traps work really fast.

    Can you remind me if it will be alright leaving him all night in the trap? Will not look at the mouse at all.

    Dave plans to dispose of him in a nicer place tomorrow away from our house.


    Kathy and Dave

    Unknown said:

    Kathy, hope it all works tonight for you. Just  don't get sentimental when you do catch it and then say how lovely he/she is with lovely eyes. You know how I feel about having them in the house but when any creature looks at me --------- ! Just don't look at it. 



  • Just had to check how you were doing. Congratulations. If the trap is big enough, I would give it  a little food and water and then go to bed myself. I am sure the mouse may then rest. When you set it free, make sure it doesn't run up your trouser leg!!!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 03/10/2009 06:51 in reply to Brenda H

    hi Brenda

    Thank you for caring Brenda.

    I will think of the trouser leg a whole lot LOL {eek}

    We will remove him tomorrow,

    Hope he has no friends to share with us, and he wants to find pasture new now {smile}


    Kathy and Dave


  • Hi Blackbird

    Was out last night so have just seen these new posts this morning, all really very funny

    So it's no longer the case that "when Dave's away the mice will play"! Well done, I trust the little mite is well on its way to a new location?  At least you are all set with your traps now in case others decide to come in! 


  • Hi MarJus

    I couldn't stop giggling at your comment, how about "shredded mice crispies"!!  oh that's cruel isn't it.  I actually don't mind the mice I think they are quite cute...(Sorry Brenda H!) and if we had only the one, then I possibly wouldn't mind it staying (I know, I know I shouldn't say that) 

    Your own story made me laugh out loud - now that would have made a wonderful comedy sketch!

  • How did I miss this update??? Well done on catching the mouse Blackbird!!

    Kezmo - this thread has been hilarious!! Given me the giggles a few times! Especially your cat & the shredder!!

    Brenda - so true! My friends caught a mouse that had been driving them mad scratching and making noises at night, so caught it using a humane trap. They took one look at it and decided it was cruel to release it (it was a particularly cold spell) so let it go again in the house and called it Mr Jingles (if you've seen 'The green mile', you'll understand!)

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Loved all these mouse stories. Very funny!   

    Our cat very kindly brings mice home for us to play with and we spend many happy hours running round after them!  He brought a huge rat in once and my husband was jumping up and down in PJs and bare feet trying to keep out of its way.  Then he chased it all over the house trying to hit it with a poker.  It was too quick for him and he missed every time!  I was laughing so much I was no help at all then I opened the front door and it ran down the stairs and out into the night.  Phew! 

    To whoever it was who mentioned a partridge, yes, we've had one too.  Found it running up and down the landing.  Goodness knows how the cat managed to drag it through the cat flap!

    I wish you all a mouse free evening. 


    There is something new to learn everyday...