Nature on Your Doorstep Community

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I put my shopping away yesterday just before lunch. I always leave the lettuce in its bag and face it outwards on a shelf in the fridge. Shortly afterwards I went back to the fridge to get something out and looking at me from the lettuce was a tiny frog, completely still.  I thought it was dead, but as I watched I saw a limb twitch so I carefully took the bag, lettuce and frog out into the garden to show my husband. I thought I was seeing things!!!  He took the little chap out, very easy to handle because he was affected by the cold (we presumed) and he put him on the stones surrounding our pond. After a short while, he started to move and finally hopped away under the rosemary bush.  Both of us were so surprised, that we never thought to take a photo - damn!!!

I love birds I hate cats