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Probably not exciting for you most of you but it was very excitng for us! I glanced out of the kitchen window to see a "sparrow" on the peanut feeder and just carried on with peeling the tatties. Then I suddenly became aware of the cogs in my brain starting to go into overdrive...."that sparrow was too big....." Sure enough, on a second look it was a bit big but was my brain playing tricks on me?....was I sure it was too big to be a sparrow. On closer inspection (Lumix 10x zoom!) I spotted the yellow stripes...and the finch-like bill....it was a female greenfinch! We had a male visit just the once (that we know of) early Spring so my 10yr son now has them breeding in one of the conifers!! Didn't get any decent photos but I'll upload the best of them later. Right now tea is calling...I can smell it burning!
Make the most of today because, unlike Sky+, there isn't a rewind button.
Well done, its these little moments, for all of us birdies, that bring a smile and make a day bright.
For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.
I'm not entirely convinced it's a adult female or a juvenile so maybe some advice here please?. Here (s)he is. As I said, it's not a good photo as it was through the kitchen window that was steaming up as I cooked the pasta! (S)he did come back later so fingers crossed (s)he'll become a frequent visitor :)
.....and down for a wee drink before flying off.
Hi Paula,
Hope you dont think I am cheeky but tried to improve the picture for you.
Be Inspired,
Dream it, Crave it, Work for it, Live it.
Unknown said: Hi Paula, Hope you dont think I am cheeky but tried to improve the picture for you. Graham
Oh I think you're VERY cheeky.....but it's ok, I dont mind in the slightest!!! ;-) Hopefully I'll manage to get some better photos sometime.
Glad you don't mind I don't want to tread on any toes and offend people. Hope you liked the adjusments I made.
I did Graham, thank you :-)
The Greenfinch came back again this morning so fingers crossed is here to stay.
Nice picture of the Greenfinch Paula
Now she has reappeared, so she must like your garden a whole lot.
Kathy and Dave