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Green finch feasts

Has anyone seen this behaviour before?  I had a dandelion on my lawn which had gone to seed.  A few weeks ago I noticed a green finch in the garden tucking into the dandelion seeds with great relish.  He (she) came back several times for more, but I have never seen this happen since.

  • Its not that unusual. Though haven't seen it.

    " In oxford of 16k feeding observations, 4% were dandelion"  Also, in Spring and early Summer the Greenfinch is known to take half ripe seed of dandelion.  BWP


    BTW your lucky you only have one Dandelion on your lawn : )

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Ahhh, that'll be why we've suddenly got a greenfinch visiting's the dandelions! Now of course there therefore should be loads of greenfinches in my garden! Also, does this means I have an excuse not to get rid of them. No? ;-)

    Make the most of today because, unlike Sky+, there isn't a rewind button.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 04/09/2009 20:52 in reply to Soosin

    Never knew that Greenfinches likes the seeds of Dandelions - wondered when a Dandelion would be useful (other than remove them from your garden - forever-  or make Dandelion Tea with them.

    Soosin said:

    Its not that unusual. Though haven't seen it.

    " In oxford of 16k feeding observations, 4% were dandelion"  Also, in Spring and early Summer the Greenfinch is known to take half ripe seed of dandelion.  BWP


    BTW your lucky you only have one Dandelion on your lawn : )