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On your distribution map for this species none are shown in East Anglia. On Sunday 16 Aug.'09 a magnificent female rested long enough on a tomato plant for me to examine her closely. I've never seen one before. I live in Leiston a few miles from Minsmere.Has anyone else seen them?
Hi Nuts&Bolts.
A golden-ringed dragonfly in Suffolk would be very unusual. Southern hawker and migrant hawker are the expected large dragonflies on the wing there at the moment.
The British Dragonfly Society's map for golden-ringed dragonfly shows its northern, western and southern distribution - and absence from East Anglia - well.
However, there have been some interesting records of dragonflies and damselflies occurring in unusual areas recently and there is always a chance of a vagrant perhaps being drifted across the North Sea from a continental breeding colony - especially in view of your east coast location.