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Spring or Winter ?

(I have posted this same message in my local patch thread, apologies for duplication but would be interested to hear if anybody else as seen 'winter' and 'summer' birds at the same time?)

Sping has arrived all of a sudden.........or has it?,...........maybe it is still winter?..........Let me explain....

The only migrants that were on the local patch last week were Chiffchaff, what a difference a week makes, a walk this morning produced Chiffchaff (getting used to them being here now), also my first Swallow and House Martin of the year, and the warblers have arrived in force - Willow Warbler and Whitethroat both heard and I have seen at least 2 male Blackcaps.  So why may it still be winter? Only yesterday a Fieldfare was in the paddock opposite the house!

"Feed the birds, tuppence a bag" Mary Poppins

  • See what you mean, ND. Should call it Sprinter. Maybe not as the fieldfare is not sprinting anywhere. Betwixt / between seasons.




    fieldfares regularly pass through the cambridgeshire fens into late April and even May :)

    My best Fieldfare arrival date is 1st September :)



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