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Thought you might enjoy this:-
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Hi Squirrel
What a little cutie Waggie, and he certainly had lots to say to you.
They are always such happy little birds
Lovely video indeed
Kathy and Dave
Squirrel B said: Thought you might enjoy this:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBE0YUjkaIQ
Hi Squirrel,
Thank you for the excellent video - I certainly did enjoy it. He is very vocal. Who was he nagging?
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Thanks Kathy and Sparrow. We returned from an afternoon out to find the people two doors away had cut down three silver birches in their garden. I no sooner unlocked the back door and went out to check whether more food was needed on the bird tables than he came down to about 3 feet away from me (the roof he is on is a single storey part of the property) and, I can only assume, told me all about the goings on and what he thought of it!
What a shame about the silver birch trees, no wonder he was yelling. I'm surprised you weren't!!
I also had a peep at your Tufty videos when he is learning to use his box - brilliant. He's certainly a clever chap.
Really nice video. They are such cheery little birds. Could you ask him to turn round so that we can compare rear ends with the other one. I'm still puzzled about the pink legs v the black legs on yours.
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Hi Squirrel and everyone (waves)
My male makes a lot more noise than this, and he is much blacker. Could this one possibly be a female?
TJ I'm also puzzled about the pink legs v black legs on the 'Identify this' post, but as I'm no expert I'm not in a position to comment. Both of mine have black legs.
Best wishes Chris
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Woodpecker said: TJ I'm also puzzled about the pink legs v black legs on the 'Identify this' post, but as I'm no expert I'm not in a position to comment. Both of mine have black legs.
Mine too. I said all along that Seymour's PW is wearing tights.
Wow!! That's gorgeous Squirrel!! You're a very talented camerawoman with a very steady hand! This wasn't today was it???? You had sunshine??? Been overcast and now raining here!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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Fab video. He is obviously very cross!
I saw two of these at the top of my road today, but could not persuade them to pay me a visit.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...