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You have to look hard to see him as we were quite a way off. But we watched this little vole go backwards and forwards to the hole with his nesting materials. If you click on the photo it will be easier to see
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Hi birdwatcher
Love your story, and your photos
What a little cute pie doing what comes naturally
Thank you for sharing
Kathy and Dave
Chrissie C said: You have to look hard to see him as we were quite a way off. But we watched this little vole go backwards and forwards to the hole with his nesting materials. If you click on the photo it will be easier to see
Hi Birdwatcher, I can see your terrific photo and the vole very plainly. You must have keen sight to have spotted it when you were so far away. Thank you.
Good shot, I never get to see anything at ground level as the dog generally clears a path before I get anywhere near.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Hi Birdwatcher,
Lovely photo and such a little cutie. I hope he is all snuggy warm in his nest. Sounds like you may be getting some babies.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
What a cutie. Don't think I've ever seen a field vole before. I hope there wasn't a buzzard about. Not the Buzzard of course. I don't think he eats voles.
My Flickr Photostream
Blackbird Thanks for the comments
BrendaH My eyesight is not that good OH spotted him through the binoculars
BrambleOur old dog was ecactly the same - into everything
Sparrow He's not in our garden, saw him on a wlk in the woods. I'm scared of things that move quickly
Teejay Unfortunately no buzzards around here. A couple of Tawny Owls though[/b]
Blimey you did do well to spot him in the woods, Lovely pic. Hope the Tawny owls don't get him, and like Sparrow said he's all tucked up safe and sound.
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
I thought they only lived on riverbanks?
I don't know about river beds, but we had loads of them in the garden at my previous house.
Susan H said: I don't know about river beds, but we had loads of them in the garden at my previous house.
But was your previous house a canal boat? :-)
Actually, I was completely wrong about the riverbank thing, but given that my entire knowledge of the countryside comes from once having watched The Wind in the Willows on the telly, that is probably not surprising.
I found some vole FAQ here, in case anyone is interested (blimey, there's a website for everything): http://voles.com/Vole_FAQ.htm
Vole Trivia:
Apparently, the evolution of the vole is very well documented, and is used by archaeologists for dating stuff, by means of something called the vole clock. Who would have thunk it? Not bad for a mammal with an average lifespan of 3-6 months.