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Hi All
I manage to get some pic's of my wren, at last.
hope you can see them!
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
I didn't want to put them all in one post!
Hi Janet
What a lovely set of pctures of your Wren.
Well done in getting in such precise photos of the little cutie
He likes to give his face a good wash in the last picture LOL
Thank you for sharing him/her with us {big smile}
I make a point in only putting 3/4 pictures in one post at one time - just incase!
Kathy and Dave
Blimey Janet, that must of taken some doing, how long have you been trying to get those pictures, there wonderful by the way, I love her going for a dip on the last one. I can see all the Pictures yeahhhhh.
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
Thanks Janet, A lovely set of photographs of a beautiful little bird.
i was just working in the garden and i saw some think move near the pond, it was a wren, i run in to get my camera and he was still there, he just posed for me, I now think i have more then one wren, there was two on compost heap and one in greenhouse.
Janet D said: Hi BBB i was just working in the garden and i saw some think move near the pond, it was a wern, i run in to get my camera and he was still there, he just posed for me, I now think i have more then one wern, there was two on compost heap and one in greenhouse.
i was just working in the garden and i saw some think move near the pond, it was a wern, i run in to get my camera and he was still there, he just posed for me, I now think i have more then one wern, there was two on compost heap and one in greenhouse.
Hi Janet, that was lucky, I tried to get a picture of mine, same thing happened I spotted him go under the conifer in my garden, so ran off to get my camera, came back and sat there for what seemed like hours pointing it at the conifer, I gave up in the end lowered the camera and there he was dissapearing behind the bird bath on the otherside of the garden, I'm sure he must have sat there laughing at me.
I saw a little wren yesterday when I went to my local nature reserve. It was dodging inside and out of a large blue metal container so I didn't take a picture of it.
Can the typo error in the title of the post not be edited?
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Woodpecker said:Can the typo error in the title of the post not be edited?
Sorry i was just so happy to get photo's, I was all fingers and tumbs
What a lovely set of pictures. I love watching birds in water. My dunnock really likes a good bath and the blue tits do occasionally, but everythig else just seems to drink.
Well done for your patience.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Janet D said:Sorry i was just so happy to get photo's, I was all fingers and tumbs
I'm not surprised. it's a great sequence of shots. I'm envious. :-)
If anyone searches for 'wren' they really deserve to be found.