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hi there
I heard this in the local news today
Hens killing a fox - you have to hear it to believe it!
Maybe the hens where just lucky.
Kathy and Dave
I read this Kathy, and it is an eye catching headline, but when I read the full article, it says that the lady, who owns the hens said that she thought that the young fox was knocked out by a table, which was in the barn and knocked over as the fox tried to catch his supper. The hens then started pecking at the fox!!
Either way it sounds like a victory for chickenkind!
There is something new to learn everyday...
Does anybody know if foxes can read?
I'm thinking of printing this off and pinning it up in my chicken run as some sort fox deterrent.
"Feed the birds, tuppence a bag" Mary Poppins
You could just indulge in a bit of graffiti on the lines of DUDE WOZ ERE on the side of your hen house/chicken run!
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
I saw this story in the newspaper yesterday and couldn't believe it, to be a fly on the fall in there to see what went on!
I'm guessing the hens were probably just lucky too, I can't see a full scale chicken rebellion happening! it must have been pretty stressful for the chickens, its a wonder shock hasn't got the better of them - i wonder if its affected their laying.