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Robins and Sparrows are underrated

Here are some pics that I think show the character of two birds that we see so often,  They are not as colourful as finches and tit, but I think they make up for this in character.

He looks so grumpy!


I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Sarah - I can see your pics now. They are fabulous photos - well captured, brilliant.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Sarah, I have tried three times but still have no joy with seeing your photos. I will keep trying.....

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Hi Bramble67

    I can't see your photos, but I do like sparrow, i have a large colony just a few feet from my front door, they make a lot of noise in the evening going to bed, but they are fun to watch. I have five rodins which vist my garden they all a little bit different from each other, white on both wings, white on one wing, white on face, so on.

    Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!

  • We have been watching sparrows taking nesting material into a tit box. They did the same last year and we had to widen the entrance hole for them and they reared their young successully.

  • Unknown said:

    We have been watching sparrows taking nesting material into a tit box. They did the same last year and we had to widen the entrance hole for them and they reared their young successully.

    Hi Brenda,

    Hubby put up a new box earlier this month for sparrows. However, he put it right underneath the eaves, and it has a pointed pitched roof, with no room for a bird to perch on the top without bending its head, although there is a direct flight path to it. I am wondering if it is too high and should be lowered a bit to allow room for perching on the top. How was the box situated?

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 26/02/2010 20:06 in reply to Sparrow

    Sorry no sign of your pictures Sarah - love to see them a lot! 

    I always download 800x600 pictre size, and that seems to work well.  If the size of the picture is too large it refuses to download altogether - or it tries to download but fails.  Not tried the any smaller sizing - maybe that could be an issue too.

    Sparrow: So agree with what you say about our little Sparrow friends. As you already know, I have my own colony in my front garden.  Great addition to have in a garden.

    The top of the bush is level with my bedroom window, and I can hear the birds chirping and twitterings about seven in the morning at the moment.  I open the net curtains and they sit looking into my window and they pop up to the top of the bush to survey the situation - so cute.

    I never realised that Sparrows have the most Golden Brown eyes you have ever seen - so dull they are not!  They like to keep dry, and hate wet weather.

    Lots of little charactistics, and quirkiness that you can never tire of.

    I hope that we are not asked by our landlord to trim the bush, and if we do i will defend our feathered friends.

    Only the other day I noticed that twigs being carried about, so they might be in the mood for love at the moment.


    Kathy and Dave


  • Nicki C said:
    I always download 800x600 pictre size, and that seems to work well.  If the size of the picture is too large it refuses to download altogether - or it tries to download but fails.  Not tried the any smaller sizing - maybe that could be an issue too.

    Hi Kathy,

    Uploaded pictures are re-sized by the website to 550 pixels wide maximum, so anything above this will be re-sized anyway, but can be seen in the larger size by double clicking the picture.

    Nicki C said:

    They like to keep dry, and hate wet weather.

    You are right there, Kathy. Mine all disappear to the conifers when it rains, and make such a noise chattering. As soon as the rain stops they all appear again.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Sparrow, our box has a flat roof and very near the eaves. As we remember, the sparrows were experts at flying direct through the entrance, but if one of them were already in the box or for any reason they didn't want to be seen entering, they would sit on the house roof.  As you know we don't have them in our garden but they live in a farm hedgerow which is about 100yds from our house.

  • Hi Brenda,

    Thanks for the information. I think I'll leave it for this year. There is always the guttering, and also a horizontal drainpipe nearby.

    I wonder why the sparrows don't come to your garden. It is a shame.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I would say they don't come to our garden because they have such a long established community in the hedges, they have no reason to move and people, including myself, put plenty of seed,mealworms etc. along the base of the hedges, they are quite happy. We are very happy they are using one of our boxes to nest though.