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It's lunctime, in more ways than one!!


Well today at lunchtime I popped home from work and was delighted to see the pair of goldfinches had indeed returned to my garden.


As I was sitting watching I was less pleased to see the next small visitor scurrying towards me. Can you spot him?

However, no sooner had he arrived then I was amazed to see one of my regular magpies arrive in a flurry and disappear into the shrubs.  Reappearing shortly afterwards with LUNCH!

Is this normal behaviour for a magpie? It was more like a bird of prey.

Not sure I feel too sorry for the mouse though, and very pleased about the goldfinces.




I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Hi Squirrel,

    Thanks for looking that up. If they take worms and caterpillars (and the odd unhatched egg)  they aren't likely to take a tortoise with a hard crusty shell and armour plated legs, I hope. I will ask the RSPB just to make sure, because they have awfully big claws. There are magpies in the adjacent fields but they never come to my garden, or even on the neighbours' rooftops as far as I have seen. Also, I have never seen any of my jackdaws carry things off with their feet. They cram everything in their beaks. There is also the sparrowhawk of course ...

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr