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I have been moaning on and one about my one chaffinch, who visits very infrequently and stays for 4 seconds when he does. I have been honoured by a longer visit this time, and he would have stayed longer had it not been for a pigeon flapping his wings.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hi Sparrow
His cute, but his not going to get much out of that stone!
They love sunflower seeds, they eating me out of house and home the way they go thought those.
Where's his lttle mate?
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
They are such quirky little birds. I loved watching thier antics when I was at mums. I would love to see some in my garden. Still can't complain now I am the proud mum of two goldfinches.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Lovely photo Sparrow. Now you have a use for the safflower seed!!!!!
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Squirrel B said: Lovely photo Sparrow. Now you have a use for the safflower seed!!!!!
LOL Squirrel, he seems to prefer stones! There is more safflower seed on the ground than gravel - tossed out by the others. I am waiting to see whether safflower plants look nice growing in my garden!
Lovely pic Sparrow! Chaffies are pretty birds!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Thanks everyone. He didn't come back today.
Don't worry Sparrow, he has just gone for his mates. Love your photo. though.
don't worry he will be back.
Thanks everyone.
Those of you who have chaffies, are they a bit nervous? I am wondering if the pigeons and jackdaws may be putting him off. They aren't on the ground, but fly across the garden. They don't bother the goldies one bit. I have a shrub thing under my pole station, with a seed tray on a level with the top leaves. He was in this shrub for a while but didn't attempt the tray, then went to the ground and that is where he stayed.
Hi Sparrow,
My chaffies, a little flock of six, (sorry to brag!) are ground feeders but they are quite skittish and fly up into the surrounding trees at the slightest thing. They come back down fairly quickly but one or two sit in the trees and observe while the others feed. They like the area under the feeders, which is bare earth at present and hoover up what all the other birds drop. Haven't tried them on safflower yet ;-)
Nice photo by the way.
There is something new to learn everyday...