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March garden chores

What's in your garden diary for this month?

At some point this month the annual cut of the buddleia needs to take place, though the cold snap isn't making it look like a very appealing prospect. I'm tempted to leave any dead stems from the borders a little longer just in case any birds want to take the last seeds that remain, it might give any new growth a bit of extra protection from the frosts as well. 

We're interested to see how your gardens are doing so please share any upcoming garden projects, tasks or features on the forums!

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • That's what you call a  proper winter picture!As said above very impressive icicles and a pretty impressive house to boot!!!


  • Wow, thanks for your comments, you have got some serious work planned for this year!!! I hope the weather gives you the chance to get started soon! I'm hoping to get a new garden project underway a bit later in the spring, not quite sure what i've got to work with just yet but if it pops up with any interesting features, plants or critters i'll post them on here.

    Keep an eye out for nest building birds, blackbirds and song thrushes will be taking mud to give the nest a solid base as well as many species taking soft material to line it. If you are doing any tree work, if it is safe to do so, consider leaving standing dead wood as this is a great draw for many species for nesting and feeding on the beetle larvae etc that will be inside.

    Echo the sentiments about the icicles...amazing yet lethal!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Hi Ian,

    Good news to hear that you are jumping on board with your own garden project! I will be extremely interested to see how it develops as you go along so do please post up on here! To be fair you have sort of volunteered yourself now really!! LOL

    I will volunteer to offer support and encouragement as you go along!! Hope that makes it seem less daunting!!

    Any way you know where to come for advice and ideas as there are certainly plenty on here with some great knowledge!...

