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Another Brick In The Wall(Final Update)

Hi folks. I decided today to make a start towards replacing the crumbling wall surrounding a part of our garden. I thought it would maybe be fun to do a thread to document this, so here we are. I have no idea how long this going to take me or how the finished wall is going to look, as is normally my way, I'll sort of work it out as I go along. I suspect I'll often be sidetracked along the way, as has already happened today. I've been collecting stones for a while now and I don't intend to replace the wall with bricks. Instead I'm going to use stones which are not all of the same type of stone, but that's what I have, so that's what I'll use. The first few photos show the condition the current wall. The first photo is the end of the wall nearest my woodshed and as you can see, it's not looking great.

The wall is only a small one but has been here for many years and is now crumbling badly and really insecure and wobbly at bits. This photo shows the wall behind some of the stones I've collected.

A view of the wall with the large stones moved away from it.

And a more detailed view of the extent of the damage.

As we all love the birds, I'll see if I can photograph some of them along the way, like these Starlings on my neighbour's TV aerial.

I also decided to stuff some straw into a suet ball feeder and hang it in the holly bush in case the birds might like to use some of it as nesting material.

I've decided that probably the best way to go about this is to lay out all the stones that I have and hopefully this should maybe help me to select the stones easier as the build gets under way. The next photo is of the stones that were piled along the edge of the old wall. I've tried to lay them out in a sort of organised way, (to me anyway).

At around this point, Mrs A called down to see if I fancied going to the garden centre with her for a cup of tea. This sounded great to me, so off we went. As is the way of things, we ended up having a light lunch and returned with a new adapter for the garden hose, a 12.5kg bag of peanuts and two new peanut feeders, one of which is shown here. We liked the look of these feeders because the wire mesh goes all the way around the bottom an back up the other side which should help to prevent the peanuts at the bottom from becoming damp, although the Sparrows around here take great pride in preventing this from happening by scoffing as many peanuts as they can, as often as they can.!!

When I got back down the garden to start again, I found that the supervisor had arrived and was carrying out a detailed assessment of the site. This is Tee Tee, one of my three cats. She likes to ‘help’.!!

Assessing and helping can be very tiring however, so it wasn't long before mental and physical exhaustion got the better of her.!!

Mrs A called down the garden again, reminding me that she'd promised the elderly lady next door that I'd dig out a few very small trees that had taken root close to her front door. Also I was to dig out some Peony Roses from the same area as well. I actually broke the first garden fork that I used, but think I may be able to repair it with a small exhaust clamp. I got another fork from the shed, which we actually found lying in the middle of the road when we were out in the car one day.!!(the fork, not the shed).!! I've actually found loads of things lying in the road now that I come to think about It.!! The list includes a pair of safety goggles, one of those hard hats with the ear protectors fitted to it, a small digital camera, three battery powered inspection lamps (all at different times and in different locations) and my most recent find was one of those clamp things that mountaineers use to help them when they're climbing up a rope,.. you know the type of thing? You attach a bit of rope with a loop on it to put your foot in, and as you take the weight off your foot , the clamp thing is slid up the rope and then grips the rope again as you put your weight back on the loop.!! Quite ingenious actually... In actual fact, it’s in the drawer downstairs, I’ll go get it and take a photo of it to show you… back in a ‘tic.......... Here it is..... Thanks for waiting.!!

Never be afraid to stop and pick things up (safely of course), you never know what you'll find. I actually doubled back to get the safety goggles.!! Anyway... I dug up the small trees and Peony Roses but I hate to see things go to waste, especially as they're living things, so the small trees are now planted in my garden and Mrs A found a place for the Peony Roses. I've no idea what kind of trees they are but here's a photo of one of them in it's new home, half way down the garden. I put it in the middle of some other plants that Mrs A has got (with her permission of course).

I am in all honesty trying to get back to the wall but the way things went today I was all over the place. Mrs A once again called me to see if I wanted to see a Bee that was on the ground at the front of the house. This is a photo I took before we moved it to a safer location in the garden amongst the plants. It was moving very slowly on the ground.

Whilst I was down on the ground I took a few snaps of a couple of the plants that are out at the front of the house. The first one as I'm sure you'll know is a Heather but I've no idea what the second one is. I'm not great when it comes to idenyifying plants.

Another bit of crumbling wall at the front of the house. I'll have to sort this at some point too.!!

On the way back round to get on with sorting out the stones I thought I take a few pics to show you some other stuff. It may surprise you, but I actually found these tubs (I have two of them) in the field at the back of my house. They were much taller than they are now and someone had made then into garden seats, obviously didn't want them any more and threw them into the field. There is a pile of wood in the corner of the field that the farmer doesn't bother about, so long as it's only wood or garden waste. Every now and then he sets fire to it. It’s really handy actually as all of our trimmings and stuff can go out there without the need for us to bag them up and take them to the council's waste centre. I cut the top off the seats, painted them up, and Mrs A planted some sort of butterfly friendly plants into them.

I also found this small tree lying in the field, minus a pot. I rescued this as well and put it in a pot over the winter. I planted it today in another bit of the garden but have really no idea what it is.

A view looking down the garden from the other side of the fence from the barrel planter. I built the wee hand cart thing myself out of some wood that I had lying around. Mrs A puts flowers in it in the summer and it looks really nice. The wheels were bit of a nightmare to build and I tried to persuade Mrs A that a broken cart with only one wheel would be nice, but she was having none of it. I had to build the second wheel.!! It's full mostly of the soil you get free from the council recycling centre once a year, mixed with some garden centre compost as well. The box behind the cart to the left which looks like an oversized Rabbit Hutch is Harry's house(one of my other cat's). I actually built it for Tee Tee when we moved here but she looked upon it with spectacular indifference. When Harry adopted us he moved in without a second thought. He has a comfy bed in the top half where it is nice and dry.

Heading back to continue with the wall, I took a photo of some House Sparrows leaving the tree. I'm not sure what type of tree it is but I think it may be a type of ornamental pear willow....I think. It does bear very small, hard, pear shaped fruits every year.

It's a great tree for the birds. It's close to the feeding area and the Starling and Sparrows love it. Another photo of House Sparrow’s in the tree, and arriving at the tree.

A quick stop over for a refreshing drink of Lager Shandy.

An artistic look through the stones.

Since I'm at the bottom of the garden I'd be just as well to show you a view out over the fields at the back. The farmer had been spreading....stuff...on the field the other day but you tend to get used to it...if you know what I mean.!! He puts cattle in here later on in the year so maybe expect a post about cows at some point.

This is my chimney thing that we sit round on the summer nights, and as you can see, it hasn't has the best of winters this year. Another job to add to the list.

I have plans to use this barrel as a Water Butt, but I need to put guttering up on the shed at some time and use the run off to fill the Butt. Yet another one for the ever lengthening list of things to be done.

Almost back to the stones again, but first a quick photo of one of those insect home things that we have in our Holly Bush.

I do have another pile of stones which I now got round to bringing out and organising, but before I show you a photo of all the stones together, I thought I'd introduce you to Harry. Some of you may remember him from an earlier thread, but if you missed that, here he is. He's quite old we think, and he's also a bit deaf, especially with lower frequencies. He has only recently taken to coming into the house for a wee while in the evening, before wanting back out again. He lives outside most of the time. Tee Tee hates Harry and they constantly go through a ridiculous charade where Tee Tee does what we call 'The Slow Walk'. She postures herself and passes by Harry's box with exaggerated slowness, looking at absolutely everything around her..Except Harry.!! He flattens himself to the base of his box during this and watches her intently. Totally ridiculous behaviour from both of them. Occasionally though, it does come to blows, but happily not as often as it used to. This is Harry in the bottom part of his box, pretending he doesn't know that Tee Tee is watching him from further down the garden.

This is Tee Tee, watching Harry from further down the garden, no doubt planning a 'Slow Walk' up past him.(note the condition of the wall behind her).

A pair of Goldfinch paid a brief visit, this being one of them.

And finally, these are all the stones that I have for the wall.

I think there are enough stones here to do the job and if I need smaller ones I can maybe use the sledge hammer to break up some of the more awkward shaped ones. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to do this in small steps (mixing the cement by hand) or if I'll maybe get hold of a small cement mixer and try to do it in one go if I can get a good day for it. It’s taken ages to put this post together and I do realise that it did veer off course at bits, but I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I’ll update this maybe next weekend if any further progress is made.



My bird photos HERE

  • Thanks folks. The weather was great yesterday and I've almost got the part nearest the path built. I've taken down another section of the old wall and put in an additional foundation ready for the next part, but it looks like it will be Saturday before I tackle it again. There's still not enough light at night by the time I get home from work.


    My bird photos HERE

  • Keep up the good work Paul and don't forget the clocks go forward this weekend so all us 'mad' gardeners will get an extra hour of light after work then!! Brilliant!!



  • Cheers Higgy. Mrs A and I have been saying that for the past few weeks now. We might also get a hour or so out on the bikes a couple of nights a week now to get the fitness levels back up to scratch after the winter nights of general inactivity. We're now starting to see spring arriving in force up here so it does make you want to get back out there in the garden, there's always stuff needing done as I'm sure you'll know. I’m back onto the wall over the weekend although I do have a couple of other things I need to do first, but I'll probably update this again tomorrow or Sunday.


    My bird photos HERE

  • Hi folks. Just another update on the progress of the wall so far. I did a bit of work on it last Sunday (23rd) but have only now gotten around to posting the photos. Harry had been assigned the job of site security but he didn't seem to be taking his responsibilities seriously and was found to be sleeping on the job inside the greenhouse. You just can't get the staff.!!

    I had borrowed a Stihl Saw in case it was going to be needed.

    I only actually cut one piece of stone for the wall with it but I also cut an edging slab in half to finish off a bit of edging at the bottom of the lawn. I had to improvise a bit in order to secure the slab for cutting and it was unfortunate the Mrs A appeared just in time to see one of her garden chairs being used as a work bench. She wasn't too amused but she took it better than I thought she might.

    I had cut the slab to length last year but when I'd went to fit it in at the bottom of the lawn I found that only three or four inches down was a concrete slab, so even though the slab fitted in the gap it stuck up too high by a few inches. Rather than try to dig out the concrete or smash it up I thought it better and much easier to wait until I had the Stihl Saw again to take a few inches off the height of the slab. Finally in place about one later year than planned.

    And from the other side.

    A bit more progress was being made on the wall as well. You can see the light colour of the old mortar on top of a layer of bricks from the old wall which are still under the ground to the right of the new wall.

    Another view.

    I've decided to lay the foundation in advance so as it would be ready for building on the next time. Using the pick axe again I dug out the layer of old bricks and cleared the hole out. There are yet another layer of bricks still in the ground but these are really solid so I decided that it would be fine to put a small foundation on top of these. A photo of the cleared out hole.

    I've been mixing up in the wheelbarrow as advised and I have to say that it was good advice. The wheelbarrow may look a bit flimsy but it has carried many tons of stuff in its lifetime. A bit came off the wheel the other day when I was bringing the sand and cement down from the car but I'll keep on using it until it wheels no more. This is the dry mix of concrete ready for the water to be added. I use the rubble bin with a stiff patio brush as a washing up barrel for the shovel and other tools. It's handy for putting water in and scrubbing the cement off the tools.

    A few pictures of the birds were taken as well. Starlings and House Sparrows again.

    It's great to be out in the garden when the birds get used to you and just go about their business. I'm really lucky to have a good number of birds around and it's sometimes too tempting just to sit and watch them instead of getting on with the job. A few more Sparrows on the fence.

    The concrete finally in the hole ready for the next day's work.

    That was it for last weekend and this next photo was taken through the week.

    Saturday 29th March.

    I had some other things to do on Saturday morning so it was mid afternoon before I got started back on the wall again. To begin with a pair of Lesser Black-backed Gulls had been coming and going and I managed to get a few photos of them on the roof of the house. I see a few Gulls flying past but they rarely land in the garden so I was quite chuffed to get these shots.

    And the other one arrives.

    This was all the progress that I made on Saturday but I did remove some more of the old wall and put down some more concrete for Sunday's work.

    Mrs A had been planning to go out with her sister but unfortunately her sister wasn't feeling too well and had to cancel. To cheer Mrs A up I asked her to get some stuff in and I dug the barbeque out of the shed and threw together a rather tasty supper. We had fresh Trout done in garlic olive oil with a side salad of tomatoes, grapes, raspberries and two different types of coleslaw stuff. Also lightly cooked with the trout were red peppers and spring onions. It was almost dark by this time so I set up the wee fan heater in the greenhouse and lit two storm lamps. We washed it all down with a bottle of fizzy plonk and sat in the greenhouse until well after dark. Who said romance was dead.!!

    Back up to date for today now. Once again I had a few things to do in the morning but I was back home and out in the garden by about 11am. It was really quite misty today and it never lifted at all so only a few rather dull bird photos today.

    A blue Tit on one of the coconut shells.

    Meanwhile the wall creeps ever onward.

    The larger stones are really heavy and I managed to wedge my left index finger between two of the big stones. I just smiled and quietly mumbled 'Gosh' to myself.!! A mortar mix waiting to be used as the wall continues on its way.

    A few close up's of today’s progress once everything had been cleaned and tidied away.

    Finally a shot of the wall as it is now.

    That's it for this update. I'll maybe spend a few hours at night during the week putting another load of concrete down in readiness for next weekend. The wall is covered up under a tarpaulin just now as rain is forcast. I'll maybe update this again next weekend if more progress is made.


    My bird photos HERE

  • An extremely artistically designed wall PA & you must do some more work next weekend otherwise what else will I have to read on Sunday night in bed??  Great pic of your Security man! Lol


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks Wendy. I'm now running out of stones that are of the correct width for the top of the wall so I'll have to improvise and see how it goes. Unfortunately when I confronted Harry about his lack of enthusiasm for the job it all went downhill....he hissed at me before slinking of to sleep elsewhere. Sadly I had no option but to sack him.!!(He was already on a written warning for the vomit incident).!!


    My bird photos HERE

  • Your wall is looking absolutely magnificent Paul. I'm not sure about sacking the security staff, he'll probably say you didn't pay extra for working the weekend! Your BBQ looked great too, we've thought about having one now the clocks have changed, but I think it may have to warm up a bit. Our wheelbarrow is coming up to 35 years old & still going strong, a new tyre & inner-tube but thats all. In fact our pick & sledgehammer come from the same era.

    Glad to see the birds were supervising anyway, those gulls are great.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • A great update as always Paul!

    The Saw I like that's a proper boys toy!!

    The Trout dining in the greenhouse is very original and it's probably good that the 'romance was dead' as I'm sure that you haven't got curtains up in the greenhouse and I can only imagine the look of shock on your neighbours face as he came round to borrow a cup of sugar!! :-)

    In all seriousness it's looking great and you are making a fantastic job of it. I'm glad that the wheelbarrow advice proved valuable!!



  • Thanks folks for your kind comments. As you can see it’s a long process, sometimes taking a few hours just to get all the stones in position in even a small part of the wall. I’m trying to get hold of the Stihl Saw for the weekend again as I’m thinking that I’ll need to be cutting some stones now if I’m going to manage to make this all fit together. I reckon another two or three weekends to finish it all if I have the right stones. In regards to sacking Harry, he has since been re-employed after some exceptionally cute purring and rolling about,(Harry, not me).!! I had thought of offering the job to Tee Tee but her attitude of ‘violence first and questions later’ ruled her out right away. As for the greenhouse having no curtains…I’m sure a few strategically placed flower pots would maybe save the day if anyone was requiring to borrow a cup of sugar.!!


    My bird photos HERE

  • Just put Tee Tee on guard at the garden gate & no-one will be brave enough to ask for sugar!!! Lol


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr