Er mwyn darllen y blog yma yng Nghymraeg cliciwch yma os gwelwch yn dda

It’s been a long road, but we are nearing the end of our battle against the M4 relief road. For over 20 years environmentalists have campaigned to protect the unique Gwent Levels from this destructive development. Thousands of you have objected to the Government’s plans, signed petitions, written letters, and shared stories. Organisations and groups across Wales have joined forces, including RSPB, Gwent Wildlife Trust, CALM, Friends of the Earth, Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales, Cycling UK, Campaign for Better Transport, and the Future Generations Commissioner, Sophie Howe, to name just a few. Now, the public inquiry is over, the report will be released to the Government in the early autumn, and whether it is Carwyn or his successor, the final decision on the M4 will be made by this winter. Now we face the final leg of our journey, it’s up to every one of us to renew our energy and stand together against this threat for one last time.

We need to increase the pressure on Welsh Government over the next two months to influence both the current First Minister, Carwyn Jones, and his potential successors, way before the inquiry report lands on their desk. This will make sure there is no doubt in their mind that a relief road is not the right decision for Wales. Our precious wetlands, home to rare cranes and shrill carder bumble bees amongst others, will be devastated if it goes ahead

Here’s how you can help – simply pick and choose from the options below:

  1. Make sure you’ve signed the petition (
  2. Write to the First Minister
  3. Share campaign images on social media**
  4. Share campaign video**
  5. Write to your regional newspaper
  6. Tell your networks to do the same!

**released in June 2018, see next month’s update for downloads and links, plus a social media guide to make sure you join the wider conversation and target the First Mnister.

If you need any support to write to your newspaper, to the First Minister, to share content or to sign the petition, or if you have any other ideas you would like to pursue to campaign against the M4, don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll do everything we can to help. Contact