I ddarllen y blog yn y Gymraeg cliciwch yma os gwelwch yn dda

Nature is facing more issues than ever before, but every once in a while an opportunity comes along offering change. The curlews on our moors, the otters in our rivers and the coots in our ponds have an opportunity to benefit from a brighter future, but they urgently require your help. Water companies are expected to spend £3bn on environmental management in Wales from 2020-2025. With this in mind we started a social media campaign late in June urging you to contact your water company asking them to do #More4Nature. With your crucial input between now and the end of August, these wonderful species could have a better future. By simply taking a minute to tweet Welsh Water or Severn Trent Water asking them to do #More4Nature in their business plans, or by giving them a quick phone call or email, Wales’ wildlife stands to benefit from their generosity.

We rely on water companies as much as they rely on nature. Without water companies to keep clean water running through our taps, who would we turn to? And what would water companies do without a healthy ecosystem and fully functioning peat bogs on our uplands? They would never be able to manually clean and store even half as much water as these habitats do naturally. We all need nature to be in a good condition to provide us with these amazing benefits – but nature relies on us to protect it so it can. People, water companies and nature all rely on each other. Without supporting one and other, neither would survive.

Therefore, with an incredible amount due to be spent on environmental management in Wales from 2020-2025, this is our opportunity to support nature. The money water companies will be investing is your money at the end of the day, and they’ll spend it as you wish. The importance of your input in their future investment plans cannot be emphasised enough.

If your water is supplied by Dwr Cymru then please tweet @dwrcymru or head here for email and telephone information: http://www.dwrcymru.com/contact-us. If you are supplied by Severn Trent Water please tweet @stwater or head here for telephone and email information: https://www.stwater.co.uk/help-and-contact/contact-us/. If you are unsure who your water company is this map can help you identify your provider - http://www.water.org.uk/consumers/find-your-supplier.

The ball is well and truly in your court, will you ask water companies to do #More4Nature?