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Free outreach sessions for all primary schools

RSPB Cymru is on a mission to continue to help Swansea primary schools “green up” their school grounds for nature through its Giving Nature a Home Swansea project.

So far, 2736 children have discovered more about the incredible wildlife around them though our free outreach sessions to schools, funded by Aldi’s carrier bag levy and delivered with the support of the City and County of Swansea.

Nearly 30 primary schools have participated in our nature sessions, all led by RSPB staff and volunteers, by taking part in either a Bioblitz, a Big School’s Birdwatch or a mapping exercise identifying homes for nature in their school grounds.

The project continues in Swansea this academic year and aims to connect even more children to nature.  Sessions are available to all primary schools in Swansea, last approximately 90 minutes and are completely free.

Here’s some more information about the sessions…

Big Schools' Birdwatch
A chance for your class to take part in Europe’s biggest and longest running birdwatch; a huge citizen science project.

In the autumn term, using our ID guides and binoculars, we’ll work with your class to spot, identify and record the birds around your school.  With our expert help your school will be ready to participate independently in the Big Schools' Birdwatch during the spring term.

During January and February we can deliver this session for you and show you how to submit your school results online as part of the RSPB’s annual survey. 

Image by Eleanor Bentall

We’re pretty sure your school is already giving nature a home, but to what and where? Our Bioblitz session will help you find the answer.

We’ll arrive armed and ready to help your pupils Bioblitz your school. Using our sweep nets, magnifying glasses and other nature detective equipment, we’ll help your pupils hunt for plants and animals under every rock, bush and doormat.

Bioblitzes can unearth some amazing results and help your pupils investigate the microhabitats around your school to find and identify plants and animals adapted to different environments.

Our Bioblitz session is available all year round and works in any season. In autumn we might find more animals tucked away for warmth and in summer animals will be more active; keeping us on our toes!

Here are some of the resources available for this session:

Giving Nature a Home
If you could create a habitat map of your school, what would it look like? Our Giving Nature a Home session is designed to help your pupils map your school for nature; identifying habitats and spaces for nature that already exist and spot opportunities for more. Armed with a scorecard, your pupils can score your school for wildlife and together we can work out how and where we could make a little bit more space for nature around your school.

Once your pupils have identified a few things they’d like to do we’ll work with you to share some top tips and lots of easy ‘how tos’ to help you make your school even more nature-friendly

If you are interested in taking advantage of this brilliant opportunity and would like to book a session for your pupils, please contact RSPB Cymru’s Schools Outreach Project Officer, Sarah Reed, on 01792 633801 / 07999 892380  or

Image by RSPB Images