0412.SPA Extension Poster.pdf
The Welsh Government has proposed to extend three Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in Wales. These are the SPAs of Bardsey Island & Aberdaron Coast, Skokholm & Skomer and Grassholm. These are three SPAs that have been deemed suitable to extend, but why have these three areas been selected?
Why Bardsey Island & Aberdaron Coast?
The area of Bardsey Island & Aberdaron Coast (Above) is an essential area for breeding Chough, Razorbill & Manx Shearwater. Wales is home to half of the world’s population of Manx Shearwaters, with Bardsey Island hosting a staggering 16,000 breeding pairs. Bardsey Island is also a major stronghold for Chough, with numerous pairs breeding here, making it one of the most important sites for Chough in the UK. Following an enormous historic decline, Chough populations are now showing signs of recovery and it is essential that we help to maintain a healthy population of Chough in Wales. A seaward extension of 9km to the existing boundary has been proposed.
Why Skokholm & Skomer?
The area of Skokholm and Skomer (Above) is an important breeding site for Storm Petrels, Razorbills, Manx Shearwaters and Puffins. As the colonies of Puffins on these Islands were once much larger, the populations of Puffins on Skokholm and Skomer are two of the most important in the UK. The current population sits at around 2,000 breeding pairs on Skokholm and 6,000 breeding pairs on Skomer and although reduced, the populations of today are fairly self maintained. A seaward extension of 4km has been proposed to provide support for these colonies to ensure that populations are maintained for many years to come.
Why Grassholm?
Grassholm (Above) is home to the only colony of Gannets in Wales and is the third biggest colony in the UK. Over half of the world’s gannets nest around the UK coast, giving us an international responsibility for this species. Gannets are currently heavily protected on land, however at sea; the protection for gannets and other seabird’s drops off significantly as there are very few sites at sea offering these birds protection. A seaward extension of 2km has been proposed to ensure that the colony of Gannets on Grassholm is maintained.
To get an idea of a Gannet’s view of Grassholm click here: http://www.rspb.org.uk/news/357086-incredible-gannet-cam-captures-birds-eye-view
It is essential that these Special Protection Area extensions are progressed. The Welsh Government has responded to our call for these extensions, however there is a risk that if rapid progress is not made key targets will be missed, leading to a delay in protection for marine birdlife.
For more information on extending the Special Protection Areas in Wales, please visit:
Also, watch our short video explaining Special Protection Area Extensions in Wales:
RSPB Cymru - Giving Nature a Home...at Sea!