Badge Box Minders

I have received my Badge Box kit, ID badge, pages of info etc...

I'm making the little boxes up, and hope to pop out to a few places this week to try and get them placed, I was wondering if there are any Badge Box minders who use this site who could share any hints and tips for me and others.

My info pack says not to place them in places where there are caged birds, also I was wondering if there are any store chains where it wont be worth bothering to try to place boxes, such as Tesco etc... as I notice my local Tesco already supports a charity through most of the stores I've sen.

Anybody got any tips.?

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.

  • Hi Juno

    I've been a pin badge box minder for about 7 years now, you get to meet some great people, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.  As regards sites, it really does vary and the most obvious ones aren't always the best - for example one of my most lucrative boxes is at the roughest pub in town!  But as a general rule, I'd go for hotels, pubs restaurants, garden centres, visitor attractions etc.  Store chains generally have their own charities, but my local Spar has had a box for almost 2 years now and makes good money, so that might be worth trying (although apparently they have to hide it when the area manager comes as its "unofficial"!)

    Good luck!

  • Hi Juno

    I've been a pin badge box minder for about 7 years now, you get to meet some great people, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.  As regards sites, it really does vary and the most obvious ones aren't always the best - for example one of my most lucrative boxes is at the roughest pub in town!  But as a general rule, I'd go for hotels, pubs restaurants, garden centres, visitor attractions etc.  Store chains generally have their own charities, but my local Spar has had a box for almost 2 years now and makes good money, so that might be worth trying (although apparently they have to hide it when the area manager comes as its "unofficial"!)

    Good luck!
