Our Big Urban Garden Birdwatch

We, being my fiance and Ilive in a one bedroom first floor flat tucked away behind the rest of the flats. There are 900 yards of Beech, Birch and other trees and woodland all the way up along our small council estate. We have no garden as such but our bedroom overlooks part of the woodland as the trees are about 12-15 feet away from the building and branches about 6-8 feet awy from our feeders up outside our bedroom windows. We have two main windows, the left window we have set up a seed feeder and water feeder and outside the right window we have set up a seed feeder, treat tray and hanging a  coconut with fat & seeds. We have recycled two small magarine tubs which hung from the window latches, both filled with a High Energy Supreme Feeder Seed mix for the smallbirds, mixed with Bill Oddies Premium Garden Friendly blend with Dried Mealworms Sprikles! We have added some basics Museli in with the mix. As for the Treat Tray which is for their Treats, which a hand blended mix of RSPB Bugs n Bits: Dried Mealworms, Flies & River Shrimps. Mixed with Suet and dried fruit being Sultanas, Rasins & Currants, which woofdown, so to speak!!  We reclceled an empty 2litres soda plastic bottle and made into awater feeder for drinking from. As you will see in pics we taken. In our Birdwatch we took part in on 26/27th January, andevery daysince, we have at least 10 to15 birds an hour and different times of the day. So far we have seen Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits & Longtail Tits, Robins, who have graced our feeders. Then this weekend a Blackcap and a beautiful Great Spotted Woodpecker came to feed. We also have seen a Mistle Thrush in the branches. Other from Colard Dove and Wood Pigeonand the Magpies too.Juvenile Blackbird, Male and Female came to the feeders to. We a wait the warmer weather to come as there are Conifer and diciduous Woodland which also attract other small birds Chafinches, Wrens etc.....We will keep up our updates every so often when newbirds find their way to our window feeders. Graced by our Feathered Friends. I will upload some photos shortly of our Big Garden Birdwatch. Enjoy!! Rainbow Lizzie in Stanmore, Winchester, Hampshire Uk.