long tailed tits

For the first time Ever since i have been doing the big garden birdwatch,i had 4 longtailed tits in my garden,i was so excited nearly fell off my chair!!,it made my day.

Dizzybusy Kas

  • Four days ago I saw long tailed tits for the first time in my garden, ihad to look them up in my RSPB book as I did not know what they were. They now come several times every day in a flock of about 12. They are the most beautifull bird, like a ball of fluff on a stick. They only stay for a minute at a time then off they all go at once.

    Unknown said:

    For the first time Ever since i have been doing the big garden birdwatch,i had 4 longtailed tits in my garden,i was so excited nearly fell off my chair!!,it made my day.

  • I am so heartened by the first time spots here and the flocks reported. I have just done my hour and to my dismay realised that my once large flock of a dozen or more is down to two

  • I noticed yesterday on the Facebook page that Long Tailed Tits seemed to be popping up all over this place, I've had a flock recently for the first time, I'm guessing they are going to be one of the rising stars on this years survey.

  • Hello to all the new posters on the forum, and welcome.

    I had the odd 1 - 2 Long Tailed Tit throughout the Cold weather, then right in the middle of my BGBW count an amazing 9 of them flew in, i was so delighted i almost swooned.!

  • Had my first visit from 4 of them yesterday. It sure brightened up my day.

    Recently moved and am looking forward to creating a garden that will attract wildlife

  • Well no Long tailed tits during my hour but a lone one did show up a short while later. Was seeing more when the weather was colder.

  • The skies cleared (and the cats did prowl) for my entire hour. I had four long-tailed tits visit my garden fat ball earlier in the week, but no sign of them--or much else actually--today. Like many on this forum, I'd no idea what the long-tailed tits were and had to look them up to identify them, so maybe conditions are better for them this year than usual? (Or better for us viewing them, which may not be the same thing.)

  • I had 3 land on my feeder today for the first time and like some others had to look up what they were.  I also got too excited and flew to the window of which they left, never to be seen again!  I'm hoping they come back again as they were beautiful for the brief moment I saw them :) 

  • This is the first time I've participated in the BGBW and also can report, with great excitement, my first encounter with long-tailed tits! I'd practically finished the hour and went up to my bedroom which has the best view of the top of the apple tree from which hangs the feeder. Two little white breasted birds seemed to want to make friends through the window - I've never seen them on the feeder and had to look them up - they were so sweet. My partner was a little concerned hearing one side of the conversation...

  • after finally finding somewhere in my garden the birds would take food from I put up my birdtable, which has been a hugh success this last week.  have been amazed at the different birds i've seen enjoying the food i've put out, but have to say my favourite was the four long-tailed tits i spotted today during my big garden birdwatch, although sadly i could only get the camera out in time to catch two of them.  such cute little birds.