We have the first frogs spawn, I`m sure that it`s earlier than usual!

We live on the North Downs outside Folkestone.

How things change in ones garden: we had so many collared doves, until the sparrowhawks discovered what a satisfying meal they made, now our solitary bird has found a new mate and we have one pair. That has given the sparrows a chance to increase their numbers but they are often chased away and they missed being counted in the Garden Watch. We never saw chaffinches or long tailed tits but now they and goldfinches are occasional visitors to our feeders.

We saw the first jay in our garden recently and we have a very splendid squirrel who seems to have the pick of the peanuts in the neighbourhood, judging by his girth! It would seem that many pigeon fanciers have abandoned their lofts and they now all come to our gardens searching for food.

Hedgehogs are becoming scarce, is it true that the foxes eat them?

  • Hello I will ask my dad about his ponds as he had some early last year, not sure it was this early though sorry to say but they did not make it! I have just been reading about the danger's posed to hedgehogs here at www.thehedgehog.co.uk I think you will find this read very useful I know I did, unfortunately some humans eat hedgehogs too :( hope this info helps!

    kind regards the little robin (gayle)

  • Good news about the frog spawn.

    It is quite early though and last year mine was caught by a frost so nothing survived but hopefully you will have better luck!

    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Hi  My first frogspawn appeared on 4th of Feb so it is really early this year, and we have lots of frogs mating in the pond.

    We are carefully watching the pond because of the frosts this week, and we cover it over which insulates it a bit and hopefully will keep the frost at bay.

    I have got a pond heater which I can use if needed, not sure the frogspawn will survive but I hope it will!!!

  • No frogspawn in my ponds yet but came across a squashed female frog full of eggs in the road just now,looks like she could have been on the way to my pond :(

    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Hi Madpenquin,

    Oh no, I am sorry to hear that, its so upsetting, when they get so close to the pond where they go to spawn. Keep an eye for any more around, I have just had another three lots of Frogspawn in my pond so hopefully this will be successful, the first lot was a bit too early I think, but there is still time. There is a shortage of ponds and Frogs and Toads need ponds but so many people move to a new property and take out the garden pond, which is so sad! That happened near me recently  two houses when they were sold the new people moved in and took out the garden ponds!! At least mine is still here so I think thats why I have more Frogspawn this year!!