Where were the birds?

I was in this group as well. Usually have a garden full of birds.. This year, not one. A couple of days later, all the usual ones were back.

  • My garden which is in Ipswich, was full of activity when the snow was on the ground, especially pleased about the Fieldfares, on succesive days we had 4, then 6, then 28 all sitting in a tree. On Birdwatch we had 3 but the snow was thawing fast so we have seen none since. We had very disappointing numbers for our usual birds, although we did see 1 Blackcap. The only typical statistic on Birdwatch was 3 Greenfinch who fight over access to the Black Sunflower seed. I have more than one feeder but they always go for the one at the back which is more hidden. (We have a male Sparrow Hawk who often descends upon us)

    We live near Heathland so no doubt once the grass re-emerged from the snow they deserted us for a while.

  • I live in Lincolnshire and usually the garden is full of birds, but for the past two days have had little activity.  I was putting it down to next door's cat but this morning a hawk has taken out a starling and stayed there until he had finished.  Is this why the birds have moved?

  • I live in a leafy suburb of south Liverpool. Garden birdcount results were very disappointing - bird table and feeders stocked with food in snow and adverse weather. Two Robins and one Blackbird appeared in garden. There was more aerial activity between the gulls and pigeons overhead!


    Barcud Coch