quiet day

I counted 2 blackbirds,1 thrush,1 starling,12 sparrows 2 collared doves.Usually there are a lot more clamoring for their daily feed but not many around this weekend.

  • Totally agree, we actually recorded even less than that... 3 birds in total, 2 house sparrows & a blackbird :(:( our garden is usually buzzin with activity through the year & with a wide variety of bird species too. It must of been the snow & ice that covered the ground for just over a week because we hardly seen a bird all that time either. Our large garden lawn (which isn't immaculate, grass abit on the long side, slightly patchy in places, you know the type..) usually has all sorts of birds scratching & digging about, mainly wood pigeons, collared doves & blackbirds, but there was none to be seen & I even regularly looked for footprints & other evidence in the snow but found hardly anything. The 30foot long, 7foot high mature privet hedge was even quiet, as was all the other shrubs/bushes we got in garden, which is rare. Usually loads of different types of finches, tits, sparrows & more, are coming & going all the time. It was rather disappointing, especially after dragging the 3 kids out in the cold too & not seeing a bird, lol. Never mind tho, it's all about the experiance & I've definatly became more knowledgable of the birds that visit us & take a lot more notice since I signed up for bird watch couple month ago. I hope another bird watch comes up for the spring/summer.

  • Hi there we were the opposite and had a full garden when the snow was on the ground unfortunately the snow had gone for the watch and so did my garden birds so had very little to record! That's brilliant that you are now more interested and taking notice that's what part of the watch is about not just the numbers :) and I'm sure there is another in summer,  yes two a year to see how birds have been affected during the winter months and then again in summer after lil birds have fledged, happy watching & welcome to the community check out the other forums as there is a lot to see here not just the watch, I myself will be getting a bit more involved from now on:)

    kind regards the little robin (gayle)