Lack of birds this week-end

Can anyone tell me why we have had flocks of birds at the bird feeders all week, and yet at the weekend when the snow had gone and the weather was windy, we have very few birds on our feeders. Our survey looks very sparse and does not reflect the birds that we have here.  Our regular visitors include 3 jays, a family of 5 long tailed tits, a female sparrowhawk, numerous finches and the occasional sight of a lesser spotted woodpecker.  All seemed to have disappeared. Looking out now there are very few birds in the garden.  We usually have to fill the feeders every day, but this week-end hardly any seed has been eaten. 

  • Well it would appear the birds read your pages because since i posted my note above yesterday about the loss of so many of my regular visitors for the last few months I have seen a significant amount more action! I've had (max at any one time) four chaffinches, six goldfinches, four blackbirds (including our regular one-legged visitor who get so bullied by the others), blue tits, greenfinches and robin, plus all the wood pigeons too. A couple of starlings visited too, who have been absent for months. We'll see if this is a blip or the start of a return to the numbers visitng before. I do hope it is the latter!!