Big Bird watch

Hi all

I was really dissapointed that over the two days of watcing the birds in my garden my grandson Theo only spotted that 1 woodpidgeon!

The day before there were all sorts of birds churning over the veg patch and coming down for seed. I guess it was probably the weather, it was so windy here on both days. Still, my grandson has learnt to recognise even more birds now thanks to the little booklet we had. Looking forward to using the RSPB site lots more!!!!


Bee lady

  • Thanks for taking part Bee lady, the wind really picked up and most birds just hunker down and conserve energy. I'm glad you found it useful and informative, even if you did just get the one woodie' the records will still be really useful!

    I'll move this to the birdwatch forum, there are lot's of other discussions in there about how the weekend went!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I was surprised how many more birds I had on Saturday.  We have a few new birds to our garden/woods this year so it was quite exciting to be able to identify them (not without a little work I might add) and then watch them.  I was just watching the Jays we've acquired in our wooded area again this morning.  They fly short distances from branches of one tree over the open area to the next tree.  The open area is tall grass and not very large.  I don't know much about Jays so I was wondering if they were teaching their young to fly or just scouting for breakfast.  We also had a couple of Willow Tits come knocking.  I've been watching them for a few weeks and was hoping they'd come around on the day and they did.  This year was really exciting for me personally because I LOVE the wee Longtail Tits.  Last year I was excited to submit that we had 2 Longtail tits coming to the feeders... well this year... WOW... we have 9 of them here every morning and didn't let me down on Saturday. My neighbours now call me the bird lady because I'm always out putting out seed and filling feeders.  They call me if they see a bird they haven't seen before and want to know what it is.  We have probably hundreds of Wood Pigeons and Jackdaws living in the trees at the edge of the woodland so a sunny day in my garden is a complete joy for me to be able to watch sooo many beautiful birds around me. The best thing is, my 3 cats will sit with me on the bench, not bothering with the birds at all. I have the best of both worlds... they never bother the birds.  Maybe because from their infancy I encouraged them to leave the birds alone. I love my little world :D