• It's amazing how agile and persistent they can be. Funnily enough, the one that robs my feeders has been absent during the cold snap. Probably staying tucked up somewhere nice and warm.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Couldn't agree more TeeJay.  We have four squirrels around in our garden usually, but they were conspicuous by their absence when the snow was on

    the ground.  Mind you, they have made up for it since.

    Here is a picture of one on our bird table this morning.  I must confess to having  a soft spot for them so make sure there is enough food out for all our visitors!

  • Morning Ruth and welcome from me too;     we have 4 squirrels that frequent the garden and no matter what clever devices we invent to deter them, they are smarter than us  !!    I have now learned to sit back, enjoy their amazing and clever tactics and let them have a share of the peanuts .........within limits,    if they sit there for an hour I tend to clap my hands and have them running in all directions ...........which normally lasts for 2 minutes then they are back again LOL    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Last year we only had 2 squirrels to worry about. This year we had to litters of kittens (baby squirrels) and now we have 8 cheeky squirrels.  As long as I keep the peanut feeders filled they leave the rest of the bird feeders alone.  They even showed up during the birdwatch but my birds are so used to them they didn't even bother with them.  I keep the peanut feeders quite a bit lower on the tree than the other feeders so the birds are above the squirrels.  Our back garden includes a bit of woodland so they'll grab a cheek full of peanuts and run off to bury them.  My neighbours gardens also seem to be a choice burial space so when I run out of peanuts they start digging the buried ones up and leave my neighbours with holes in their grass... YIKES!  Anyway... I quite like them as long as they stick to their peanuts, but with 8 of them, they're eating me out of house and home :-/