I've been deserted!

I was so dissapointed with the turnout for todays big count. Really bad timing i think as we had a BIG thaw overnight and above freezing temperatures all day with some rain showers. With the snow over the past couple of weeks theres been a constant flutter of activity all day long and i've had to top up the food several times as day with 16 chafinches, 9 blackbirds, 12 starlings, 6 sparrows, 2 doves, 5 pigeons, 2 robins, blue tits and great tit a jackdaw and a crow all feeding at my tiny table. Today they havent even finished breakfast and all I saw in my hour was 16 chafinches, 4 sparrows,1 starling, 1 pigeon, 1 blackbird and 1 robin that only just made it in time!

  • Hi Jenny, love the cat's name! I have 2 killer cats next door and have taken down my bird table because I can't bear the carnage. Had nesting blue tits in the summer, until  frightened away by a very determined cat. Do you use any other method of cat scaring other than chasing them away?

  • Love the nickname for the cat. That's what you can hear me muttering on a regular basis!

  • I have had the same problem in my bird watching hour, When all the snow had settled i was refilling my bird tables, feeders and bowls every 3-4 hrs it was going like hot cakes and we even had new visitors including 2 male chafinches and a little green bird that vanished as quickly as it arrived we also saw 2 great tits that was really nice, we also had an extra robin through the snow. But since the snow has gone all we seemed to get it 4 ferals a pair of blue tits female chafinched a pair of black caps 2 robins and countless starlings. but we also had a tiny bird arrived and it was actually a goldcrest i was sooo shocked to see one. 3 mornings ago i went out to feed the birds early and there was 1 unusual bird in my tree and it flew to the tree next door and it turned round chirping with its wings fluttering and it was a waxwing apsolutly stunning it then flew to the tv arial next door and there was 8 waxwings all sitting on the line, later on that day we went for a walk and there was 24 waxwings on a house roof we were in amazement, I have now purchased a good camera to take snaps of these rare occasions. Any hints on how to get more birds to visit will be greatly appreciated thanks

  • I have thought of getting one of the electronic cat scarers, but there are too many problems trying to find just the right position, and I think that after a while, the cat would just raise two claws at it. So it's just a regular chase!

    The (RSPB) bird table was a problem initially when I set that up last year - the cat would jump up and knock it over (and the local gulls could and did topple it, too). To make it more stable, I've put 4 heavy plant pots around the base, and to make it cat proof, I've inserted a piece of wire mesh underneath the top, so that it sticks out by a few inches all the way round. Works a treat.

    The herring gulls have given up visiting the table now that I only put seed mix and bugs/buggy nibbles on it. They get fed kitchen scraps and left over cat food (from my own elderly indoor cats) on the top of a low wall. One of the gulls stares into the kitchen every morning waiting for me, and there are two that nearly knock me over when I feed them! They are so funny when there are a few of them, because the regular one spends so much time trying to fight the others that he/she misses out on the food while other birds sneak in! If there are a lot of scraps, or they are feeding young, we get magpies, jackdaws, rooks and hooded crows, too.

    This morning was exciting, as I saw a male blackcap on my birdcake. (Why didn't he come on Saturday morning?!)

    (I am near the East coast of the Isle of Man)

  • I was disappointed too as I usually see two pairs of robins (only saw 1 pair) more blackbirds (only saw 1) quite a few sparrows, a few starlings and I didn't see any this time. Seem to be more pigeons. However, I quess it was perhaps too cold.

  • My husband was also very disappointed with his bird count this year but we couldn't stop laughing this morning when we looked out and there were 8 Goldfinches and 2 Bullfinches all hanging off of one of the feeders!  On Sunday after a disappointing hour seeing hardly any birds my husband went for a walk up to the allotments and low and behold on a field that is usually used for horses there was a whole flock of Fieldfares feeding on the ground.  What a pity he didn't have a camera with him.