Overflying red kite

A pity overflying birds are excluded from Birdwatch. Ths morning at 10.06 I had my best view ever  of a red kite. I see one roughly every 2 or 3 weeks overflying our house and garden in Ascot. This morning one flew lower than ever, at or below treetop height over our house from front to back, and then round the three side fences, peering down at our lawn and birdfeeder, and ignoring two magpies roosting in a sweet chestnut in one corner. I wonder if these magnificent raptors ever land in a small garden, other than to take prey.

  • I know the feeling, if airspace was included I could have added 7 Red Kites and 3 Buzzards to my count today...

  • Many thanks, doggie, for directing me to the breathtaking red kite picture. Just superb! I have a conifer just like that one in a corner of my garden, as well as several sweet chestnuts, and a red oak just over the fence, so I can see there's hope yet! You've prompted to keep my cmaera mounted on a tripod and pointing at the treetops!

  • Hello Haz

    I see doggie has preempted me but that's fine. I live in Twyford so I see these magnificent raptors flying over the village every day.

    It is a pity that we can't include them in the bird count but they don't often land. They will come down to feed sometimes though.

    And have been known to land on a neighbour's TV aerial to have a look around.

    I don't know where they roost though.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Evening Haz and welcome to the Community from me too in Cheshire.   Congrats on spotting the Red Kite, it must have been wonderful to see that so well done.

    @ TJ,  stunning photos of that amazing bird


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Unknown said:
    love those hairy trousers.

    Well as you can see it needed them for warmth.

    @Hazy. I can bore for Britain if you get me started on Red Kites. LOL



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Fabulous photos TJ. I have never seen a kite where I live in Farnborough but yesterday and today saw one, both times being mobbed by a crow, flying over my garden. Lovely birds but unfortunately did not land in my garden and unable to get a decent photo. Maybe one day.....

    Linda K*