
Every year my wife and I do the bird watch and every year a robin comes to the garden, I do not think its the same one but may be, it looks at us through the window and very few birds visit the garden for thr next hour this happens every year, no matter the time of day. I am sure it knows what we are doing. I was going to do the bird watch at 9 oclock this morning but because we had quite a few in the garden a five to nine I started counting then within five minutes the robin appeared stared at me through the window and very few birds came for the rest of the bird watch my wife will testify to this this happens every year can anyone explain this.


  • Hi Kevin, I have 3 Robins that come to visit, when they're not chasing each other around I do find them still and just looking round. Sometimes I wonder if they see me with my binocs from the window upstairs. Robins tend to be territorial, so maybe the reason why no other birds come is because robin scares them away... Be good to get some pics if you can.

    Cheers, Jason