Pic of the Long Tailed Tits, uploading thanks to doggie !

Many thanks to doggie for his help in uploading


  • I was looking to upload in the reply box instead of the new post section DOH !!!  I love watching these guys, back and forth flittering through the trees, can't beat it, I did manage to get a pic of the Greater Spotted Woodpecker which visits my garden, but as I pressed the button he turned his back, camera shy I think haha


  • I've got quite a lot, I have always had a love of birds and whenever possible take pics, I travel to the North West of Scotland a lot and have pics of lapwings etc seen up there, but, sadly, my camera really isn't up to much !!!


  • Hi freckles,   smashing photo of the long tailed tits together on the feeder,   I love these little birds and am also lucky to get them coming into the garden.   By the way,  they love raw pastry made with plain flour, lard, grated cheese   (plus grated apple, crushed peanuts/sunflower hearts, etc  ....... these are extras but not necessary) and suet pellets if you want to try it  !    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • thanks I'll check it out


  • They're just adorable aren't they, family all looking out for each other, love it, I put out fat balls, mixed seed, suet pellets and nuts, and of course left over stale bread, raisins and the like, the birds get most but I have a grey squirrel which comes into the garden and usually polishes off everything !!! got some cracking pics of the squirrel, me and my camera haha , I've never tried the raw pastry, wasn't sure about birds eating cheese !!
