Hi everyone x x Finally, just sitting down to get involved in the Big Bird Watch! Woke up very deflated to see how windy it is in my area this morning, however, things are calming down and my usual guests are coming home :) I have been watching, what I still can't make up up my mind about, are either field fare or redwings all week, yet today? None :( There have been some fantastic displays from the local crows though, they have been having great fun being tossed about in the thermals up high. They seem to love it! X x x x
  • Hi Kayla. redwings and fieldfares have both been showing up in gardens during the harsh weather, as soon as the mild front hit they upped and left heading back into farmland to feed on worms etc!

    I've moved your post into the birdwatch forum!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.