OK, finished my count and I have mixed feelings!

I have just done my count now and this is what I got,

2 Dunnock, 3 Robins, 5 Great tit, 5 starlings, 2 Chaffinch, 2 Blackbird and 2 Bluetits.

I am chuffed that I recorded these but I was disappointed about the absence of, Long tailed tits, coal tits, thrushes and collard doves, which would make my list complete as all those are my regulars. Anything else I get is a bonus.

Weather here is sunny and all the snow has melted away so maybe they're foraging? I understand its probably not the best time of day but work got in the way and its getting windy. If I had waited til later then god knows what the weather would be like!

Here's a few pics from the hour of counting....

Cheers, Jason

  • Hi Jason Never mind at least you got visitors. I finished mine an hour ago, actually I started the same time yesterday but had visitors so had to leave it until today. What I did notice was my results were consistant to yesterday [1st half hour]. I had 3 blackbirds, 4 chaffys,2 dunnocks,1 goldfinch,2 great tits,1 greenfinch, 3 sparrows,1 robin,and about 31 starlings. Was very pleased. A few weeks ago I had a 1st visitor, a lovely spotted woodpecker.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hi at least you got some birds,nothing at all in my garden all day



  • Thank you all! I've come to Dove Stones and watched the birds at binn green to cheer myself up LOL! Its freezing though even though the sun is out!

    Cheers, Jason

  • Hi Jason,   Good for you getting the shy Dunnock,  we have one somewhere in the garden but it doesn't show itself very often so that great you managed to get it, well done.    Don't be too disappointed, sounds like you did ok :)     The regular birds seemed to be in hiding when I did mine yesterday.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi Hazy, yeah the Dunnock is a regular now, sweeps up the seeds off the floor :) I'm happy about the count really. About 30 mins later I had a thrush in the garden and I was hoping to include it on the count. Also I was hoping for the LTT's too, even after I made pastry balls and popped loads of pastry on branches, but no avail lol... I'm drowning my sorrows with a glass of red lol... only joking, but I do have a glass of red lol.... mmm

    Cheers, Jason