Thoroughly enjoyable, and thanks RSPB for making it so.

This was an enjoyable release from the ice and cold which at least has left our part of the country. Pure sunshine first thing with gnats a flying and tiny tweets from our feathered friends!

Didn't mention a Sparrow Hawk that landed right atop of our canary's cage early last Summer. I came into the kitchen to behold this enormous wing span completely covering a large cage holding 'Ginge' that was outside on a table.....

Wow!  Some sight, all too brief as when I rushed outside this handsome beast was gone.Little 'Ginge' - a fiesty male green roller seemed a little delicate but not too phased.....however for weeks afterwards when we put him outside he looked up to make sure.

Incidentally, our little canary copies bird song that he's heard and 'talks' to himself with it in between his more familiar trills.  Fascinating!

  • Hi, Rosemary, and welcome to the Community!  One of our budgies can copy other bird noises as well - he once got to the point of sounding exactly like a cockatiel.  We couldn't tell the difference and it got very confusing.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks Clare! First time here, and how nice.  Your budgie is a budding 'impressionist' too!

    It was really weird when I first noticed this........ It was way back before our 'Summer' didn't happen... He was contentedly admiring himself in the mirror when it seemed other birds outside the window (he was inside at the time) were twittering away. At first I took no notice, then I looked at a small tree which attracts tits, and imagined it was they... No! Looking at his beak he was moving his little body in accord with a lovely sort of munching of all the songs of birds he must have heard when placed outside in his cage on our table.

    Allowing that we live very deep in the country it became clear he was mimicing the sounds whilst simultaneously 'replying' with his own very beautiful triills which, believe me, will drown out vacuuming, food processors, and not least the tele! Such fun though.