What do you feed your birds?

I feed my birds


nyger seed

sunflower hearts

black sunflower seeds

 suet and fat balls


seed mix 


I also give my birds WATER!!!

I think the RSPB is the best thing in the world, except BIRDS!

  • Looks like I give my birds the same. I also make my own fat blocks from lard and seeds and breadcrumbs, cheese and mealworms when I have them. any oldish fruit like chopped apple etc.

    I have a pond with a little manmade stream and the birds love bathing and drinking. I keep my pump going all winter so there is always running water for them. :-)

    I have only just started putting nyger seeds out and am hoping to get some birds on that eventually?

    What birds visit your nyger seeds?


    I like deadlines I particularly like the whooshing sounds as they fly by ( Douglas Adams)

  • Hi, Shirley Drabble


    The birds that I get at my Nyger seeds are:

    Goldfinches(all the time)

    Siskins(all the time)


    I think there really worth the money.

    When i first put them out i didn't get any birds for a couple of weeks.

    I think the RSPB is the best thing in the world, except BIRDS!

  • To be honest the birds i saw were not fed, because mine where seen on a small bit of grass surrounded by wood and so i saw them in totally natural circumstances. 

    Camera always at the ready!!

    @BirdPics on twitter



  • Currently, mine are fed:

    sunflower hearts

    nyjer seed

    premium mixed seed

    peanut granules (they aren't eating whole peanuts for some reason)

    berry flavoured suet pellets

    dried mealworms


    safflower seed (not popular)

    atora suet flakes melted and mixed with goodies

    insect and peanut tubcakes

    fat balls (not popular at present)

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr