The weekend

I joined 16days ago and have been reading the Blogs & updates. I will log my Solihull back garden at 0900-10.00 Sunday morning.

Hopefully any snow will be gone and the hungrey birds will flock around for breakfast, Magpies seem to be eating the baked beans I put out just a few left in a saucepan. My other food is mince pies, cake, broken up suet & seed balls. Cereal, biscuits, bread, anything.

Have a good weekend everybody.

Dr Edmund Blackadder

  • My worry is the gale force wind will I have any feeders left.

    Had up to 18 goldfinches yesterday feeding on sunflower kernals.

    I ate all the mincepies left one for the pidgeos.

    Have enough trouble with the wind without even thinking about baked beans.

    Michael Dicker