So when's good for you? Birdwatch poll

Its almost here folks! (26th-27th January) You've got the snacks, your pen and paper, and the bird food already. But what time do you prefer to do your count? Are you are morning or afternoon person? Let us know.


P.S: Don't forget you can add your sightings from this weekend onwards as well as getting more information about the count on the link below:

  • I had a real beauty just a little while ago, well I'm pretty sure it was a SH from the markings, about 30' away sitting on the middle bar of my fence.  She was there for an age grooming.

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Clare ,

    Before the "friendly neighborhood Sparrow hawk" eats the little birdies????

    Tries to eat them.  They usually get away!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • No sorry I'm pretty thoughtless.  OK I'll be honest, I'm useless at identification and cameras!  AND even with binos I find it difficult to focus.  Yup I do drive too.

  • anyways, back to the subject of this forum, The Big Garden Birdwatch :-)

    I'll be doing mine, hopefully, on Sunday morning as I'm a volunteer on Saturdays and Mondays.

    At the moment I bring the bird foods in at night due to the extreme weather, just leaving the peanut feeders out so that at least they have something to snack on until I put the rest of the food back out at around 6.30.

    So I plan on doing my hour between 7 and 8am when hopefully they come for their breakfast.

    Have a great weekend and enjoy doing your own hour.

    Thanks for feeding our beautiful feathered friends!

    Take care,


    "We, as humans, are the's just that we all see the world from different angles"


  • Early birds for the most part! Enjoy the weekend!

  • Already done my bird watch 9.20 to 10.20, had lots of house sparrows and chaffinch's, the occasional jay, robin, wren dunnock and marsh tits

  • Just done my hour 0815 to 0915 unfortunately the Nuthatch that is a regular visitor failed to appear but I still got 12 species with House Sparrows winning with 11 at any one time.  Jackdaws were second with 5 although 10 mins later after the count there were 10.

  • I put early morning - i did mine 9-10 - i assume that's early morning....? (I would have been a half hour earlier, only my Dad isn't too well at the mo so he got up rather late....)  Looks like most of us - that have so far answered - are morning peeps!

    My Aussie and British birds blog -

  • Well done all.  That's my count completed minus my goldfinches - where are they hiding?  Green finches and chaffinches topped my count today.  Had some seldom in the garden visitors yellow hammers, bramblings and long tailed tits.  The snow brought them into the garden as this is the only time I see them.