practising for the Great British Bird Watch next weekend

We have had a good variety of birds the afternoon. I put out the usual things such as fat balls Niger seeds and sunflower seeds. But I also PU some crumbled up mince pies on a tray in the snow in the middle of the garden. We have had the usual Blue Tits Longtailed Tits, Robins, Chaffinch, Nuthatch and Goldfinch but we have also had Siskins, lots of blackbirds and a mistlethrush eating the mince pies followed by a large gathering of bossy sea gulls who descended on us like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds". Lets hops we are as lucky next weekend. Sue in Leek Staffordshire
  • Thanks Alan. We have been setting Up the camera in Good time this year and hope to get some nice shots next weekend if the weather is sunny.  We have managed a few this weekend but it has been very dull and grey. Will try and get one or two of the better pics on soon.  Sue