BGB Results!?

What were your results


Mine were:

3 Blackbirds

1 Dunnock

4 House Sparrows

1 Feral Pigeon

14 Starlings!

2 Woodpigeons

1 Magpie

and 1 Blue tit (5 minutes after the hour finished!)


    Very exciting isn't it.....


               Coal :(:(:(

Birding , Birding, Birding !

  • Mine were actually quite good for my garden owing to spending the kids food money on meal worms and suet pellets, and a new ground feeding tray.


    14 House Sparrows

    12 Wood Pigeons

    2 Robins

    2 Blue titis

    1 Great tit

    1 Dunnock

    4 Starlings

    1 black cap

    1 Greater Spotted Wood pecker

    2 Collared Doves

    1 Working Cocker Spaniel after the suet pellets!!!!!!??? not a bird i know and brought a rapid end to proceedings.


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • bramble67 said:
    Mine were actually quite good for my garden owing to spending the kids food money on meal worms and suet pellets, and a new ground feeding tray

    I hope the kids enjoy their mealworms and suet pellets!!! Better than beans on toast any day!

    OK, here's my count: yesterday before lunch

    starlings    15

    house sparrows    8

    jackdaws    4

    blackbirds    3

    feral pigeons    3

    robins    2

    goldfinches    2

    dunnocks    2

    collared doves    2

    blue tits    2

    wren    1

    song thrush    1

    coal tit    1

    I was pleased about the wren. I don't get them as a rule, and haven't seen one for ages.


    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I was quite pleased with my results

    I saw

    4 blackbirds

    2 blue tits

    21 chaffinches

    1 coal tit

    2 collared doves

    3 dunnocks

    9 Goldfinches

    1 great tit

    8 greenfinches

    1 house sparrow

    2 long tailed tits

    3 robins

    10 starlings

    1 wren

    3 siskins

    I think the RSPB is the best thing in the world, except BIRDS!

  • I am very envious of anyone getting finches in their gardens.  I am still hopeful.  Should I put sunflower hearts or niger seed out on their own or will this make no difference.  It's the chicken and egg I suppose

    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Average year I'm afraid..

    1. Robin                -       1
    2. Starlings           -       15
    3. Greenfinch       -       1
    4. Song Thrush    -       1
    5. Blackbirds        -       2
    6. Blue tit               -       1
    7. Great tit             -       2
    8. Sparrows         -        3

    Goldfinches didn't turn up!

    Long tailed tits and five greenfinches came an hour late. Still it was nice to see the Song Thrush, a recent arrival. 

    An egret changed my life!

  • Hi everyone,


    Just about an average day for me, although a bit quieter than of late.


    Dunnock                               3

    Robin                                    2 ~(fighting to the death- or at least severe injury)

    Blackbird                             2

    Blue tit                                2

    long tailed tit                     2 (first time visitor to garden)

    Woodpigeon                    2

    Gt tit                                   1


    plus 3 little brown jobbies I haven't pinned down yet!!

    I even love magpies

  • My results were : 1 blackbird

                                   3 Blue tits

                                  2 Great tits

                                 1 Robin

                                 2 Song thrush

                                 2 Magpies

    We normally see more, they must have known we were watching!  lol xx

  • Well we managed a few birds - difficult to decide which hour to take as I did 3 different ones and had a few different species each time but I had to go with the first hour, Sunday morning 8am to 9am as it included 2 blackcaps (1m and 1 f) which I don't see every day!! The annoying thing was my old faithful Robin didn't turn up at all and Mr Dunnock only made a showing on the third count as did Mrs Wren. Never mind, hopefully they were in somebody elses garden being counted at the time.

    Total from memory:

    • Blackbirds 4
    • Woodpigeons 4
    • Sparrows 3
    • long tailed tits 2
    • Blackcaps 2
    • Blue tit 1
    • Great tit 1
    • Greenfinch 1

    By the way do you think the birds know about us counting them only uncannily as well as the blackcaps appearing 3 sparrows came from out of nowhere (I have not seen any in my garden since I started taking a keen interest in the summer!)?


  • We had:

    Blackbird  2

    Blue Tit  2

    Chaffinch  3

    Dunnock  4

    Great Tit  2

    House Sparrow  8

    Magpie  1

    Robin  2

    Starling  10

    Woodpigeon  3

    Wren  2

    Bullfinch  2

    Grey Wagtail 1


    Coal Tits, Long Tail Tits didn't show up unfortunately

    We are in the East Midlands by the way

  • To be honest the birds i saw were not fed, because mine where seen on a small bit of grass surrounded by wood and so i saw them in totally naturalcircumstances. 


    With no food i was surprised to see


    43 Redwings (all in one tree)

    2 Mistle Thrushes

    2 Pied Wagtails

    1 Meadow Pipit

    2 Blue Tit

    2 Great Tit

    1 Robin

    1 Blackbird

    2 Great Spotted Woodpecker

    and the rest i cant remember DOH

    Camera always at the ready!!

    @BirdPics on twitter