Your most common

I would like to know what your most common bird is

mine is the blue tit. what's yours


  • My most common bird is the chaffinch and I get between 10 to 20 at one time. They eat practicly everything. I just can't wait till The Big Garden Birdwatch

    I think the RSPB is the best thing in the world, except BIRDS!

  • Judging by a normal day here at the Lodge i would always of said Chaffinches are by far and away the most common spp. During the count though it was Blackbirds which came out on top! - they were appearing from all over firstly stripping the berries from our yellow rowan and then gathering underneath and clearing the floor. we had 18 during the bird count!

  • Mine, I'm delighted to say, is house sparrows, about 30+ who visit every day, all day, amusing me with their antics. Wish I could attract the chaffinches though!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Mine is probably a toss up between house sparrows and starlings, with starlings probably just edging it.  The other day I counted 24 starlings.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Heron77 said:

    Mine is probably a toss up between house sparrows and starlings, with starlings probably just edging it.  The other day I counted 24 starlings.


    Leaving the sparrows and starlings to one side, probably the most common are Great Tits at the moment


  • Living where I do in north Surrey its the ring necked parakeets - or paraceatemall as I know them! (They eat everything and their calls give me a headache). They all used to roost in the poplars at Esher Rugby Club but they killed off the trees so they had to be cut down. ( Still worth going there for the rugby).

    Delight in what you see: the enjoyment is more important than the count.

  • My most common birds in the garden are starlings which come in groups of up to about 15 although on a nearby roof I counted over 40!

    Last autumn I had loads of blackbirds feeding on the Pyracantha (Firethorn) berries in my back and front gardens and I counted over 10 out the back anf 12 in the front (so well over 22 at the same time!).They were all queuing up for their turn and stripped the bushes in 2 days. The estate where I live is now over 8 years old (and still being built) and the contractor had to have all front gardens landscaped and as a result a lot of shrubs like Pyracantha and Cotoneaster were planted.Walking through the estate I have sometimes seen a blackbird on almost every roof,especially in the warm summer evenings.

    Although not strictly in my garden I do see a lot of buzzards and I have seen 7 flying together above my house.I also see them over the town which is lovely when I am out shopping,I have to be careful though as I tend to have my head in the clouds and not look where I am going!! I think the buzzards use thermals from the heat of the town and estate to give them the height they need before heading off to the surrounding farmland.

    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • The most common bird in our garden is the House sparrow.  

  • Laughingcloud said:

    The most common bird in our garden is the House sparrow.  


    Lucky you. I had a flock of 24 until three neighbours got 5 cats between them. Now I only get two males and one female. All the habitat stayed the same, including  the long beech hedge so I blame the cats.

    Delight in what you see: the enjoyment is more important than the count.

  • my most common bird is the goldfinch.....soooooo many :)