Who are your regulars? - 2010 so far for Wildlife Enquiries...

If you haven't found this already this thread (on the forums pages) is great rehersal for the BGBW 2010!


Here at the Lodge we've been keeping our list up to date of regulars outside the Wildlife Enquiries window. so far this year we have recorded 27 different species (22/01/10).

Blackbirds, redwing, fieldfare, robin, blue tit, coal tit, great tit, LT tit, chaffinch, greenfinch, goldfinch, siskin, l.redpoll, dunnock, c. crow, magpie, jackdaw, g.s. woodpecker, nuthatch, wood pigeon, stock dove, buzzard, kestrel, sparrowhawk, moorhen, woodcock and black headed gull.

Still waiting for a brambling though! - where are they? There was even confirmed sightings of firecrest in the gardens, now that would be a good tick from the window!

  • We have many regulars too (North Wales coast) - 11 resident balckbirds, of both sexes, queue up every morning at daybreak. 2 robins in differnet areas of the garden; up to 32 starlings, which roost under the pier or on the reed beds; many chaffinches; great tits; blue tits; coal tits; robin;  collared doves; several feral pigeons - but the same ones because of their distinctive markings' wood pigeons; jackdaws; magpies; herring gulls!; dunnocks; pied wagtails; we used to have loads of greenfinch - but not now?; recently had a goldcrest - which was very exciting for us!; spotted woodpecker - once. What my husband thinks was a sparrow hawk, but I think was too brown in colouring, so maybe a female? - came and took a starling right outside the kitchen window feeding statiion - staying several seconds with wings outstretched abd screetching - 'guarding' its prey on the ground.  

  • So far this year I've been visited by 3 Robins (all seen at the same time!), 2 Blackbirds (1 male, 1 female), 3 Starlings, 4 male Siskins, between 2-8 Goldfinches, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, House Sparrow (don't see them very often), 2 Collared Doves, occasional Wood Pigeon, 1 Wren, 1 Dunnock and a Male Sparrowhawk!

    My name is VeggieBirdLover and I am a bird feeding addict  :D

  • So far this year 2011 I have had in my garden in Chester Le Street:

    Robins, Great tits, Coal tits, Blue tits, Green finches, Bullfinches male & females (easily told apart) Dunnocks, Song thrush or Mistle thrush? (can never tell) Chaffinches male & female + (Leucistic chaffinch female) Black birds, Magpies, crows, Wood pigeons, Starlings, Tree creepers, Great spotted woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Long tailed tits, Siskins, Bramblings male & female, Goldfinches, Redwings, oh and does a Grey Squirrel count? :) At night I hear Owls which I identify as the small owl then a new owl noise which I am yet to identify. Did also have a bird of prey but I cant be sure if it was a sparrow hawk or not.

    Im hoping for lots more once I get my pond created & make a new roof area for things to hide in. Wish me luck!

    My days in the garden would be empty & sad without the birds and their beautiful song. I'm worried that one day I will be alone in that garden when all he birds have gone.

    • Unknown said:

      If you haven't found this already this thread (on the forums pages) is great rehersal for the BGBW 2010!


      Here at the Lodge we've been keeping our list up to date of regulars outside the Wildlife Enquiries window. so far this year we have recorded 27 different species (22/01/10).

      Blackbirds, redwing, fieldfare, robin, blue tit, coal tit, great tit, LT tit, chaffinch, greenfinch, goldfinch, siskin, l.redpoll, dunnock, c. crow, magpie, jackdaw, g.s. woodpecker, nuthatch, wood pigeon, stock dove, buzzard, kestrel, sparrowhawk, moorhen, woodcock and black headed gull.

      Still waiting for a brambling though! - where are they? There was even confirmed sightings of firecrest in the gardens, now that would be a good tick from the window!

    Unknown said:


    If you haven't found this already this thread (on the forums pages) is great rehersal for the BGBW 2010!


    Here at the Lodge we've been keeping our list up to date of regulars outside the Wildlife Enquiries window. so far this year we have recorded 27 different species (22/01/10).

    Blackbirds, redwing, fieldfare, robin, blue tit, coal tit, great tit, LT tit, chaffinch, greenfinch, goldfinch, siskin, l.redpoll, dunnock, c. crow, magpie, jackdaw, g.s. woodpecker, nuthatch, wood pigeon, stock dove, buzzard, kestrel, sparrowhawk, moorhen, woodcock and black headed gull.

    Still waiting for a brambling though! - where are they? There was even confirmed sightings of firecrest in the gardens, now that would be a good tick from the window!

    Unknown said:


    If you haven't found this already this thread (on the forums pages) is great rehersal for the BGBW 2010!


    Here at the Lodge we've been keeping our list up to date of regulars outside the Wildlife Enquiries window. so far this year we have recorded 27 different species (22/01/10).

    Blackbirds, redwing, fieldfare, robin, blue tit, coal tit, great tit, LT tit, chaffinch, greenfinch, goldfinch, siskin, l.redpoll, dunnock, c. crow, magpie, jackdaw, g.s. woodpecker, nuthatch, wood pigeon, stock dove, buzzard, kestrel, sparrowhawk, moorhen, woodcock and black headed gull.

    Still waiting for a brambling though! - where are they? There was even confirmed sightings of firecrest in the gardens, now that would be a good tick from the window!

    The only  "unusual" birds we see are nuthatches and greater spotted woodpeckers and we are inundated with ring necked parakeets.  Although beautiful birds they are greedy and pushy  and screechy and almost as acrobatic  as the grey squirrel. Otherwise we have blue, great, longtailed and coal tits and possibly a willow tit?  Robins, wrens (tho not recently) sparrows, starlings,  occasionally a chaffinch and gold finch, wood pigeons, feral pigeons, collared doves, magpies and jays.  We rarely see a blackbird and never a thrush. We live on the edge of  Bushy Park in Greater London which may account for the parakeets.