
Hi Everyone,

Hope you can help me here, i thought Robins were very territorial ?

Today i had 5 of the little fellas turn up at the same time with no sign of a cross word. Are they all mucking in together because of the bad weather ? Even the Dunnocks are being given an easy ride by the Robins at the moment,  and the most Robins at one time previously were 2 (A pair i assumed)

Anybody any suggestions ?


  • Hi Nigel,

    This is just a guess, but I reckon it is probably too early for the real territorial stuff to start. Probably, that will all kick off in 'spring'.

    Something I observed recently. There is a kind of 'secret' woodland feeding station I like to visit. The day after the really heavy snow, I made a long trudge to the secluded spot with my camera. Non of the feeders had been filled for a while. I had some feed with me, and within a moment of me getting it from my rucksack, there were five robins coming very, very close. I sprinkled some around, and sat back and watched. All the robins took a turn for a peck, but none stayed too long. After a couple of moments, another robin would come down and kick them off. A dunnock was close by, but didn't join in the argy bargy. At no time were two robins sharing the food.

    One other, idle observation. All the robins were very fluffy, whereas the one that regularly visits our garden is very sleek. Here's one from the feeding station.   

    An egret changed my life!

  • I have up to three robins feeding in my garden at one time, but they was not close to each other, as long as there is a few feet between them I think they ok.

    The most I have seen together is five sitting in my three.

    Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!

  • Billy - that is a beautiful photo of a very cute bird. Excellent.

    I have 3 robins who feed in my garden every day. They are never together, and if they are all in the garden at the same time they are in different parts. None of them is bothering the other birds or each other at the moment.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • You are lucky - I have two but one in particular is very stroppy to the point of being a bully. He hates the other one being near and is also brave enough to chase off the greenfinches and great tits - he does hesitate somewhat at the pigeons though!!

  • I currently have 2 robins that regularly feed in my garden and apart from the odd squabble they dont seem to mind each other perhaps it is something to do with the cold weather.



  • We get loads of robins but only a few are territorial


  • I've only got 2 robins which are very territorial and are always chasing each other out of the garden. The robins also chase away the Dunnocks no matter where they are in my garden.

    I think the RSPB is the best thing in the world, except BIRDS!