Most common bird!?

Hi all,

        I want to know the top 10 most common birds in your garden:


E.G: Mine are....


                             1.House Sparrows

                             2. Starlings

                             3. Hedge sparrows

                             4. Robin

                             5. Wren

                             6. Blue tit

                            7. Fieldfare

                            8. Mistle thrush.

                            9. Magpie

                          10. Rook


Birding , Birding, Birding !

  • Hi Coal,

    Are you talking about now during this cold spell, or generally? It does make a difference.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Coal.

    The top 10 in my garden are:

    1) Starling

    2) House Sparrow

    3) Collared Dove

    4) Chaffinch

    5) Dunnock

    6) Jackdaw

    7) Woodpigeon

    8)  Blue tit

    9) Blackbird

    10) Coal tit

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Ribble Valley, East Lancs. semi rural/suburban

    My last week's top 10 submission to the BTO garden bird count scheme was:

    1.  House Sparrow

    2.  Starling

    3.  Feral Pigeon

    4.  Dunnock

    5.  Blackbird

    6.  Jackdaw

    7.  Song Thrush

    8.  Robin

    9.  Collared Dove

    10. Coal Tit

    Plus a whole load of black-headed gulls when I put bread down on the shed roof, but not otherwise.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Intesting reading and list, would it be better if people say where they are eg... country/town

    i am in Telford Shropshire here my list

    1 House Sparrow

    2 Great Tit

    3 Blue Tit

    4 Robin

    5 Hedgesparrow

    6 Blackbird

    7 Doves/ Wood Pigeon

    8 Magpie

    9 Wren

    10 Starling...


    down where our hide is sited we have Registered Over 60 differance species of Birds this year this by the way is our own hide on our land at the edge of moorland

    dont just look enjoy and leave for others to share after you. we dont own the earth we just rent a small part of it....

  • Dez said:
    would it be better if people say where they are eg... country/town


    Good idea. I have edited my list and added my location

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Mine are :

    1 Blackbird

    2 House Sparrow

    3 Starling

    4 Long Tail Tit

    5 Goldfinch

    6 Redpoll

    7 Greenfinch

    8 Robin

    9 Jackdaw

    10 Blue Tit

    These figures change almost monthly. eg  i may not see any Blackbirds all throughout the late spring and summer. In autumn and winter ther may be as many as 15 in my garden at any one time especially early morning.the same can be said of the Long Tail Tits (Although not so much the early mornings !)

    The Redpolls appeared for the first time since i have been feeding birds in my garden (Spring 2008) quite recently and their numbers have swelled from 2 to 9 at present, and they continue to use the nyger and sunflower heart feeders on an almost hourly basis.

    Would love to hear of other people's experience of thesewonderful little Redpolls.


  • Sorry forgot to add i live in Mossley (Greater Manchester) Semi-Rural

  • Mine are:-

                                 1.House Sparrows

                                 2. Starlings

                                 3. Blackbird

                                 4. Robin

                                 5. Wren

                                 6. Blue tit

                                 7. Great tit

                                 8. Goldfinch

                                 9. Magpie

                                10. Chaffinch

    I live in Bo'ness Central Scotland you could say semi rural

    Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice

  • Hi my top 10 birds are:

    1. Feral pigeon.

    2. Blackbird.

    3. Blue tit.

    4. Great tit.

    5. Collared dove.

    6. Woodpigeon.

    7. Starling.

    8. Robin.

    9. Dunnock.

    10. Magpie

    I live in suburban Southend-on-sea in Essex


  • Hi, I live on the outskirts of London, Heathrow side, very Urban

    My top 10 are as follows

    1. House Sparrow

    2. Starling

    3. Blue Tit

    4. Wood Pigeon

    5. Collard Dove

    6. Feral Pigeon (These were top in summer but not seen as many in cold weather)

    7. Dunnock

    8. Robin

    9. Magpie (a very bossy pair)

    10. Blackbird


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...