Jackdaw feeding a juvenile starling!

Just seen this happen,in my garden.Wish I'd had my camera on hand. Is this normal?

  • maybe not so strange. I saw a blue tit baby beg for food from a great tit and then follow it into the nest box!! It wasn't in there long and came out unscathed!! Maybe they can't resist that huge gape at this time of the year.


    my photos can be seen here flickr

  • This was mentioned on Spring Watch. Chris Packham said it's just instinct. If a bird with food sees a juvenile begging, gape wide open, they may feed it. Not quite sure that a woodpecker would feed a blue tit - more likely to eat it!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I can understand it happening with smaller birds, as Sparrow has said, but I would have thought it was fairly unusual for a large bird like a Jackdaw to do it for a comparatively small bird like a juvenile Starling. Most of the corvids will prey on fledglings if they get the chance. I've just seen a Magpie trying to catch a juvenile Starling. I didn't see whether it succeeded.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Thanks guys, it appears it is does happen. The starlings do seem to get on well with the jackdaws. :-)