live nest box feed

Hi, i would like to know how to set up a live nest box cam, i have the live feed in the house and watch it all day if i could. 

  • Not quite sure what you mean by "have the live feed in the house" but anyway.....

    There are number of ways you could do it nowadays. First of all you need to decide whether you want to do it with a wireless camera or a wired one. The latter is cheaper and will possibly give you more reliable and better quality pictures. You could purchase either system as a kit with all the bits from several outlets including the RSPB and Ebay where there are some good ones at a reasonable price. The camera of course is the key and the higher the resolution the better the picture although you will need more computing power. Some will also offer the facility of IR viewing at night although my experience is that not a lot happens then! Another alternative is to buy a USB webcam and build the box yourself. This is the option I have chosen this year. You need to make sure you have a fairly tall box to ensure the picture is in focus. You will also need a couple of holes about 4cm in diameter, covered with transparent/transluscent rigid plastic to allow light in.

    Lots of free capture software is available or will come with the camera or you can use WIndows Movie Maker. You can view it whenever you like and just record clips when you want. My camera (which is a Logitech and cost under £20) has motion detection so only captures video when there is movement. OK now during nest building but will turn it off when there are chicks!

    Of course you could also Google "Bird nestbox cams" !

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Dave, thanks for the reply i just knew i would not explain it proper,

    yes i have all that in the house now and record it over night through the dvd recorder, now what i would like to do is like on springwatch, live feed to the web for all to watch, me thing thats where the computer comes in will have to buy a audio/video card, do you know anything about doing it that way Dave , by the way i got a birdbox and camera built in it and a perfect picture day and night, thanks for listening, john.

  • thanks doggie will look into it.

  • Apologies John- it must have sounded very patronising! Once I got started I thought I might as well put it all in. Still might be useful for others not as advanced as you are with it.


  • No no not at all my fault for explaining properly, and oh i dont know about advanced , though i do post the video's on facebook to my freinds tonight will be day6@the bluee house, ( that what i call them ) hahaha. thanks again Dave.

  • Mine just laid it's third egg today - what stage are yours at?

  • Hi dave, well done on the 3rd egg, ours are still building though its up to putting feathers in now, i was a bit late putting the nest box's up( yes there is 2 nest box's and both are occupied but ony one has a camera in it and that was the last one i put up.


    here is 4 short clips ( 7mins ) of the bluees from morning afternoon and night time.