Badgers - and hedgehogs

Congratulations on the post with all the wildlife - however, to the post wishing for a badger, if you have hedgehogs, it would be better if the badgers keep away as they kill hedghogs; apparently they are hedgehogs only  threat as they can turn the poor animals over and because the badgers have such long claws, the hedgehogs' prickles don't deter the from killing and eating them, so I have been told.

I have a wildlife garden and despite having several cats, I have many birds which come to birdfeeders in the trees and other high places, frogs, toads, newts, a fox, and hedgehogs which produced two, five and five babies in the various hedgehog houses over three years. However at the end of 2010, a badger came and dug several holes in the garden and ripped out one of the hedgehog nests not protected in a house. I saw two of the resident hedghogs afterwards, but i think the badger got at least one, and last year, although they visited for food, no babies. I have just found that one of the houses has a recently arrived hedgehog in it, so hoping for more little ones this year, maybe. (None hibernated in the garden this winter, so maybe it is a new colony arrived.) I live in the centre of Weston, but the cemetery in just at the top of the road, and Weston woods beyond, so I think that is where the badger came from.

Baby hedghogs are amazing - they are white to begin with and when they first emerge from the nest, they look like tiny sea urchins scurrying around. I knew when they came out first as I heard squeaking, like baby birds, and then there they were! out and moving round the greenhouse and out into the garden (No door on the greenhouse)