nesting blackbird

can anyone tell me if is usuel for a female blackbird to make her nest  2 foot from our backdoor,perched on top of 4 lenghts of 2x2 wood,she seems to have finished her nest now,i went to go outside into the garden ,as soon as i opened the back door there she was,just looking at me,i apologized and closed the door gently.since then i have been outside quietly opening the door,and just walking past her,she didnt seemed too bothered,since we moved here 4 years ago we feed all of the birds every day,plus sybil the squirrel and 2 young,plus a great big badger, oh,and foxes and frogs and hedgehogs.its lovely to watch them,my husband made some bird boxes last year,we had a bluetit with 6 young, and in another we a coaltit with 7 young,and they have started nesting again in the bird boxes.

  • Hi Mo welcome to the forum from Devon

    I think its great you have got so much wildlife in your garden, I would love to see a badger in my garden, I do have a good variety of birds, and I have a wildlife pond so do have frogs and sometimes some hedgehogs but sadly they are getting rarer these days.

    Hope your blackbird is successfull, keep us updated :)

  • Not as close to a door, but we have a Blackbird nesting in a Ceanothus very close to our conservatory.  Seem to be there most years, they like the dense cover.  We also have a boundary stand of Leylandii - we back on to a park and it is great screening if kept to about 15 feet - and that is dense too.  So far we have seen sparrows, pigeons and possibly Bullfinches going in there.

    It does seem to have been a good year for frog spawn as well!